University, the ultimate breaker-upper.

“We’re just going to see how things go and stay together even though I’m at McGill and he’s in Edmonton.” August 13th, 2009
“Yeah…. we’re breaking up.” August 31st, 2009

Going to university is the ultimate reason for an unwanted break up or unwanted long distance relationship. Currently, myself and friends are in the middle of moving across the country (some people internationally) and are left with the question of what to do about their relationship.

What do you do when you’re going to school across the country and your boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t? Do you allow the long distance factor to break you up? Is it fair to your second half that you’re moving far away and they are just supposed to wait for you to come home? Can you have a relationship without seeing each other until Christmas? Can you ever date someone who is provinces away and make it work? What is needed for a “true” relationship? Or are we all just convinced that we have to be in the same city at the same time to date? What do you do when you meet someone you fall in love with just days before you move across the country, is geography always the deciding factor in who we love? If there truly is just one person in this entire world that is our true love, then how can we expect that this one and only person will exist within city limits? So what do we do as students when we are faced with the challenge of University. Do we all just break up with our boyfriends/girlfriends of 9 months… 2 years… FIVE years? (The 5 years one applies to me.. long story!) How can you get over someone when you don’t want to break up with them but you have to? You still have feelings for them, but society tells you that it’s not worth being together. Or, should we all try to make it work, or is “making it work” even possible? Should we be putting this much thought into a high school relationship? When our parents were our age, they were getting married at 18, 19, 20 and they already knew their true loves, why can’t we? Why do our parents say that we are too young? So in the end, what do we do? Is there a right answer to this situation?

2 thoughts on “University, the ultimate breaker-upper.

  1. Mark Antczak

    Erica !

    Moving to BC has prevented me from even dating girls for the past year and a half. Even though you can fall hard for that other person, fact is geography plays a major rolls in relationships. You would need some serious trust, and self control to keep it going. Question is, are both parties capable? I hope you figure it out!

  2. Rob

    this one hit it right on the nose for me, there was a girl i had known for a while bu hadnt really hung out with till just before the end of the summer and when i finally got to see her i fell for her. Few days later i get on a plane to BC and leave her thousands of miles behind. I think that it may be possible for these things to work out but it takes sucha huge amount of effort that with everything you will be doing in your first yearof university it may be impossible. Im still undecided on what to do about it but im starting to lose hope…

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