Three Cool Finds & One Governor General

Cool Finds, yo.
Are you really bored? Click me.

I wish my man was on a horse like this guy. Click me.

The rumours are not true. Totem Park is not like this. Click me.

One Governor General, just chillin.

Can you tell that’s me in the right corner with the long brown hair that likes to twist and turn into many random directions?

5 reasons why it is awesome to go to the Athletes Village and chill with Michaelle Jean, Canada’s Governor General, and some athletes on a Friday afternoon.

1) You use cafeteria trays to eat lunch and chat, it isn’t a formal event. Which gives you the chance to hear about the Governor General’s trip to Haiti that she just returned from the day before.

2) Have you ever noticed how awesome her hair is?

3) You get to meet many Paralympic Athletes in the village, including the sledge hockey team, who tells you about their unlimited access to free Coca Cola with their secret Coke pay passes.

4) Sam Sullivan and youth from his foundation here about the lunch time gathering and come to hang out as well. Other West Coast (Mob)ilizers decide to tag along too. Why not? It’s wicked-awesome. We all munch on the nicest food together and talk about the most incredible things like Haiti, disability awareness and understanding, and how lucky we are to be Canadians.

5) Michaelle Jean is one inspiring lady to listen to.