Gone to Toronto, BBL!

I’ll be at the Prepared Minds – Prepared Places conference in Toronto over the weekend and for the beginning of next week. There I’ll be on Team St. Catharines to discuss youth access to post-secondary education which is something I feel passionately about. I’m really excited to be in a think tank to figure out what to do about issues that stop youth from going to post-secondary like the newly dissolved Millennium Scholarship. What will high school graduates do without all the funding that was supplied? Are you a Millennium Laureate? How do you feel now that the government chose not to continue the major national scholarship program?

Let me know how you feel. Until then-

Gone Fishin’ Gone being nerdy.

3 thoughts on “Gone to Toronto, BBL!

  1. Erica Post author

    This past year (’09 Grads) was the last year out of the set 10 years they would have the scholarship. The government voted not to continue it to save money in their budget. Now there is a movement to try to get more community-based scholarships to make up for it.

  2. Tyler

    Oh, that really sucks 🙁 although, really, I was sort of grudging against that scholarship because I know some people that got it only because they could talk… …but I guess most scholarships are like that…

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