My Friends, They Travel, Lots.

Down on the bottom right side of my blog, I have a links section called, “My friends travel the world this summer.” Literally, they are traveling the world and doing some pretty cool things. They’ll be gone the entire summer and living abroad. What’s even cooler is that they are all my age, just completed their first year of university, and now they are off in the world all on their own. Hopefully, more of them choose to create blogs to share their stories with you, these are just some of my friends who are maintaining blogs while they are gone, but for now I have a few to share with you today.

Check out James in Hawaii as he works on the France-Hawaii-Canada Space Telescope on top of a volcano.

Check out Lindsey in Tanzania as she lives in an orphanage for the summer.

Check out Meagan in Jinotepe, Nicaragua who is working with BaseCamp International.

Check out Jess in Ghana as she lives & volunteers there for the summer.

Check out Peter in Cape Town, South Africa as he works on an eco-construction project

1 thought on “My Friends, They Travel, Lots.

  1. Meagan McLavish

    Thank you for sharing my blog on your blog! You’re so awesome!
    I can’t wait to read about your summer adventures in Toronto.
    Take care, and have fun! 🙂

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