Yo, what’s up? I’m an intern.

This summer I’m interning at the Me to We/Free The Children offices in Toronto. Super stellar job. You might know a little project I’m working on called the MOB, which actually in all honesty is a part of the coolest movement of youth that you can find happening right now. Being at the front lines of an epic project and working towards positive change locally and globally, I couldn’t ask for more.

I’ve also made it a part of my job description to doodle on baby photos of my boss and give him his current beard and glasses. You’re the best, Jobin.

So I’ve got my own desk, a kickin’ email address, and I work with the most amazing people. Yesterday I went to FTC’s GO Local Conference that concluded a year long program that works with 20 schools in Toronto that are located in priority neighbourhoods. It is a completely different world I’ve never been exposed to before. When I think of issues, I think of homelessness or job lay-offs. When FTC facilitators ask these students to give them some issues to come to mind, they say police brutality and gang violence in schools. When they hold events in their schools, they do things like wear black in solidarity against gang violence. When I hold events, it’s to bring attention to issues in a whole different country. It’s often forgotten what happens in our own backyard. It’s amazing the action that these kids are taking to make change locally and I now understand how important that is. Kudos to them, big time.

I want to give you some context on just how amazing it is to work for Free The Children and Me To We. It doesn’t matter if you know of the organizations or if you don’t know who Craig Kielburger is at all. You’ve got to watch these YouTube videos from start to finish. It always makes my heart race a little faster knowing that I’m a part of this.

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Jason Mraz shows up for a surprise concert at last year’s Take Action Academy. You’ll see a lot of Dave in this video who is one of the coolest people you’ll ever meet. For sure worth the watch.

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FTC just celebrated their 15th anniversary a few weeks ago. This is an AMAZING video that shows just how epic this organization is. It makes my heart race every time I watch it and I especially love the video clips of Craig when he was just starting FTC.

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Me to We’s Take Action Academy. Sort of became the beginning of my story of how I got to here. If you look hard enough in the beginning, you can find me in this video.

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This is what I work on, The MOB. Here is an overview of what we’ve accomplished this spring. Jobin, someone who I work with very closely on the MOB with, acts as the news anchor which is absolutely hilarious.

2 thoughts on “Yo, what’s up? I’m an intern.

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Yo, what’s up? I’m an intern. — I once found Tokyo Police Club in an airport -- Topsy.com

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