There is one very huge factor that motivates businesspeople in today’s society, and that is power. Power however, is not always given out to the right people. The article “27 Psychological Reasons Why Good People Do Bad Things” gives some interesting reasons to why businesspeople do terrible things. One very important aspect is something we discussed in class, rewards. It seems like we tend to reward people for doing something when really we should not be rewarding them at all. I feel like this is very true and it is something that no one really thinks about until it is mentioned. Rene’s blog, Power Hungry, gives a really good example of this is the real world. Jordan Belfort, the wolf of Wall Street, has been given too much attention for his bad actions. I agree with Rene, his bad behaviour was never really punished; he has a movie, a book and countless tours. I believe that as a society, we give people more credit than they deserve. In order to change the way people act; society must change its views on rewards as a whole. Everyone wants power but there is a right way to get it.