Nike: A Shoe That’s All Your Own

NikeiD allows you to create designs that are all your own.

NikeiD allows you to create designs that are all your own.

Michael Sky’s blog, Share a Coke, discussed how Coca-Cola’s marketing campaign is unique method to increase soda sales. While reading his blog I found myself thinking about how other companies have similar marketing techniques that creates a point of difference.

Coming from a huge sports background, Nike obviously came to mind. Nike has always been a part of my athletic attire. Personally, when shopping for new athletic wear, Nike is at the top of my list. So, what makes Nike different than another athletic wear brand, such as Adidas? Nike’s point of difference: NikeiD.

Like Coke, Nike’s strategy is customization. It allows customers to take an ordinary Nike shoe and create a exclusive design. I believe this is a very smart way to draw in customers, which directly attributes to more revenue.

Mass customization isn’t always a successful marketing scheme, but it has definitely been a success for Nike and Coca-Cola. Like Michael, I also spent time looking for my name on a Coke bottle. Additionally, I have used NikeiD; I can sit in front of my computer and design my new shoes for hours. I love that there’s the option to have a pair of shoes that’s all my own.


The Netflix share: to sell or to keep?

Is the Netflix stock worth keeping?

Is the Netflix stock worth keeping?

When you constantly watch how the stocks go up and down, it can be a real turn off. Buying a stock allows you to own part of the company, which gives you the right to some of its earnings. Last week we watched as the Netflix stock fell 26% after their third-quarter result were not what management had originally forecasted. A drastic fall like this in a stock leads to many people selling their stock, as they are afraid that they won’t make a large profit.

Little do they know that if they do their research, the Netflix stock is actually predicted to grow tremendously in the future. Netflix, knowing that their stock is predicted to grow in the future has the ability to buyback their shares from those who are willing to sell it. This way, Netflix is able to keep the profit within the company and reduce the amount of shares in the market.

In my opinion, if I were Netflix I would be trying to buyback as many shares as I could, and if I were a shareholder I would continue holding onto my share. Although entering the stock market is a huge risk, and anything can happen, high-risk investments have a tendency to lead to high rewards.


Say “No” to Enbridge

No to Enbridge

The First Nations, around the Fraser River, protest against the Enbridge Pipeline

The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline (ENGP) is a proposed project that would allow twin pipelines to deliver diluted bitumen from Alberta to Kitimat, BC. Although, Enbridge claims it would be beneficial to the Canadian economy, there are many people who oppose it. The BC government set out 5 conditions for approval before they will agree to the project and one of the conditions concerns the First Nations living around the Fraser River. The ENGP would cross through Aboriginal land and the risks that the pipeline imposes are too high. I agree; the ENGP isn’t worth the risk to the environment. Enbridge’s Spill risk assessment is flawed therefore, it is difficult to trust them. A spill is irreversible and it wouldn’t just affect the First Nations. Salmon in the Fraser River is a backbone to the economy and if a spill were to occur that would be disastrous to their habitat. The First Nations have a right to oppose the pipeline. They are dependent on the jobs around the Fraser River, and if there were to be a major disaster, they could all lose their jobs. Enbridge has a ways to go before they can begin their project.
