Vancouver and hockey are two things that just go together. The Vancouver Canucks have previously had some very successful seasons, but last season was a huge upset for the team and the fans. The management and the team had some issues that could have directly led to their terrible season. The team, including the coaches, and management lacked organizational culture. Although, everyone’s intentions were to win games, the belief in which the way to win those games differed for some members.
During the offseason, the Canucks made many changes to their team and their organization. With a new coach in Jim Benning, and Trevor Linden, as president, they addressed many issues in the organization and began to change the culture of the team. One key example is the release of Ryan Kesler, who spent the latter part of last season with the attitude that he no longer wanted to be in the Canuck’s organization. This type of attitude is what brings down the whole organization.
When I think of organizational culture, I think about a team of people who are passionate about doing the best they can to benefit their whole team. We’re a month into the NHL season, and we can already see the positive outcomes with these changes in the organization culture.