This advertisement first appeared on August 12th, 2016 on a Facebook post created by the Gold’s Gym Dreamland, a sub-franchise of Gold’s Gym. The ad is using body-shaming techniques to try to attract more customers to their facility. It is essentially stating that a pear-shaped figure is unacceptable and if any woman should have this shape, they should immediately seek a membership at their gym to alter her figure to a more ‘accepted’ shape. Not only is this an issue due to the body-shaming, but it is also sexist in nature. The ad specifically states: “This is no shape for a girl”. To specify that a pear shape is only unattractive for a female is highly insensitive and disgusting. Women seeing this ad who have a body-type similar to this image will likely feel ashamed and sensitive. There is no ‘one shape’ that all women fall into, and naturally many women have a pear-shaped physique. Therefore, the women who naturally fall into this category, regardless of their physical fitness, will feel unaccepted and oppressed.

Further, the ad is not conducive to gaining members. Personally, if I was considering signing up to the gym and had seen the ad, I would be completely deterred. Most individuals who engage in some form of physical exercise do so to feel better about themselves, and would be looking for an all-inclusive gym environment. I argue that most would not be attracted to a facility that ostracizes one specific body type. Due to the outrage on social media about the ad, Gold’s Gym International made a statement that the Dreamland Facebook page was removed, and that they were working to terminate their contract entirely.


My jammed advertisement removes not only the body-shaming, but also the sexist nature of the original ad. Here, I am emphasizing the importance of inner health and well-being. In the updated ad, there are two apples: one normal, and the other normal on the outside and rotten in the core. It highlights that while we may appear ‘healthy’ or ‘fit’ from the outside, our bodies may be rotting away from the lack of exercise or access of unhealthy foods we consume. The jammed ad pushes consumers to seek fitness goals that emphasize inner health, instead of focusing on their outward appearance. Physical fitness is not all about external beauty as the original advertisement makes it seem, and the jammed ad tries to highlight this important point. As a consumer, one would be inclined to attend a facility that promotes healthy internal health for all.

Contrary to the original ad, there is no oppression or shaming of one body-type in the jammed ad. Whereas a pear is frequently thought of and associated with certain women’s body shape, apples are not something that people immediately associate with body-types. The jammed ad doesn’t use any gendered wording, creating a universal audience. The jammed ad is not using a ‘negative’ body-type example. Using no gendered-words and avoiding any body-shaming, the advertisement is directed at anyone seeking to change their physical fitness habits. Overall, health and fitness are not gender-specific; working out is something that anyone should be able to enjoy. The jammed advertisement is captivating in it’s questioning, making readers introspect about their physical health. Most importantly, it is not body-shaming one gender to gain clients.


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