Unit 3 Reflection Blog

The Process of Researching for my Formal Report Draft:

The process of researching for my formal report draft was interesting and exciting. First, it was interesting because I had never done much research on the topic of improving ergonomics and pain management in a dental office, so I was finding a lot of new information. It was quite easy to find literature on my topic which emphasized just how common poor ergonomics are in the dental field.

Secondly, my primary research of survey and interviews was exciting because I felt very passionate about my topic and determined to gather relevant material for the report. After my survey questions were approved to use, I realized I wasn’t exactly sure how to implement this survey. I wanted to get it across to several people but felt sending them a Word document and them having to send it back to me was impractical. So, I found a way to re-create my survey in an online forum and I could send people the link to it which makes it very easy for them to participate. I was so glad I found this online tool to use for my survey because not only was it an efficient way to gather findings, it automatically formulated tables and graphs to summarize the survey results. These tables and graphs were helpful because I used them in my formal report draft for my visuals and I could clearly see how many dental professionals experience work-related pain and poor ergonomics.

The Process of Organizing and Writing my Formal Report Draft:

I had a feeling I was going to struggle with organizing and writing my formal report draft because I have never written one before. However, the textbook really helped me throughout the entire writing process. Initially, I definitely had some issues with the layout and organizing my information, but after reviewing the textbooks explanations I had a better grasp on it. I found this was the type of writing project where once you start you get in the zone and just continue writing. I think one of the reasons that was the case was because of how involved I am in the issue I was writing about. It became clear just how much of a difference it makes in writing assignments when you’re truly passionate about a topic. Overall, the process of writing this formal report draft was a positive experience and I am happy with the outcome.

Reviewing my Peers Formal Report Draft:

I learned the importance of design in writing projects when reviewing my peers formal report. With something like a formal report where there is a lot of information and a lot of text it can be difficult for the reader to stay focused. My classmate did an excellent job at using bullet points to clearly identify recommendations for a solution and had a consistently clear design throughout the entire report. I noticed how important this quality was for a paper when I realized I was intrigued and engaged the whole time I was reading it, and I had no former knowledge of the information. Usually when reading something that you have no background in, it can be quite boring. However, with great design techniques implemented throughout a paper, a reader who knows nothing about the topic has a better chance of wanting to continue reading and can learn something new.

Formal Report

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