Examples of Best Work

Definition Assignment 
The objective of this assignment was to explain a term used in your professional life to someone who is not familiar with the term. The word I chose is “root canal”. The reason I chose this to be displayed on a page that outlines my best work is because I believe I was successful at defining a complicated term in a simpler way. I included detailed information while also being concise, and I think that is an important skill to have in many writing projects. I have attached my assignment below:

Revised definition assignment

Formal Report Proposal
The purpose of the formal report proposal was to express the importance and need to conduct a causal analysis formal report. The topic I chose was “Improving Ergonomics and Pain Management of the Employee’s at Viewmount Dental Centre.” In this proposal, I provide a statement of the problem, a proposed solution, my scope of inquiry, methods and my qualifications. The report proposal is attached below:

Revised Formal Report Proposal

Progress Report
The purpose of the progress report was to outline the tasks that have been completed and the tasks that still needed to be done for the formal report. This progress report was helpful to gain an understanding of the writing process for formal reports. There is a lot of detail that goes into formal reports so progress reports are essential to ensure all requirements are met. I also included a writing schedule and that was useful for managing my time both effectively and efficiently. The progress report is attached below:

progress report

Formal Report
As previously mentioned, my formal report was titled “Improving Ergonomics and Pain Management of the Employee’s at Viewmount Dental Centre.” I am very proud of this work. I have never written a formal report before and feel that I was successful at including all of the required criteria as well as providing recommendations for a solution. This formal report included primary and secondary research. The primary research consisted of interviews and a survey that I conducted and the secondary research consisted of literature reviews.

Formal Report