All posts by heatherwoodland


Our ETEC 512 group will  examine Lev Vygotsky and his theories. We ask that you take a tour through the pages that we have created (see the tabs under the blog title). However, before you begin, please visit our MindMap site and offer some first thoughts on the following question:

“What do I know about Vygotsky and his theories as they apply to education?”

To log into the mindmap go to ; use the generic username and the password mindmapping.

(Note: We will all be using the same login so it would be useful for you to put your name/initials and date on your comments as you will be asked to revisit and update the mindmap at the end of the conference).

Once you have familiarized yourself with Vygotsky’s background, theory and educational uses, we have created some discussion questions for you to engage with in Blackboard.

Heather, Sheila, and Susan