Education Week – Special Reports

This website is essentially an online magazine, with a ‘subscribers only’ area, and reports on very current education issues. Their section “Digital Directions” publishes a variety of annual, and special reports that spotlight new technologies and their uses, as well as progress in various aspects of tech-ed. It is an American website, however much of the information is absolutely relevant to us here in Canada.

The link below will take you directly to the “Digital Directions” section, where you can explore current and past reports on E-learning, the website’s annual education technology report, Technology Counts, and a special report on multimedia and the way it is transforming learning in the classroom.

In my experience as a teacher, what guides my practice is less of the big data, and more of the real-life examples of what works in classrooms based on others’ experiences. I find these reports blend the two together in an effective way, though many of the articles highlight one example or story.

( Average Rating: 4 )

One response to “Education Week – Special Reports”

  1. Neal Donegani

    I agree, I do like the real-life examples that the articles in EdWeek present, and that there are multiple articles on the same subject, so that the reader can look at the same topic from a variety of angles.

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