Foci- a portable device that boosts awareness of focussing

Originally posted by MET student Aggie on 19/09/2018

I came across this inidiegogo that was funded in 5 hours. It is a wearable device that helps you monitor when you are focusing.

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One response to “Foci- a portable device that boosts awareness of focussing”

  1. Yannick Wong

    The pain point is quite obvious and relatable to many people, especially in a world where there are so many distractions. Maintaining focus is pretty much universally important and the market need is there.

    It appears, at least from the pitch, that this is supposedly based on real science and not just snake oil, though I really have to see the research study they’re referring to to really gauge how valid that claim is. It just appears to me that using breathing as the only metric of focus is way oversplifying it, and there are so many factors that can affect one’s breathing that it may not be useful data at all. The ironic thing about this product is that Foci itself would be a distraction from whatever you’re doing, as I imagine one would stop to check whether they’re in focus or not.

    Alternative solutions to this problem include mindfulness techniques and habit building, which of course doesn’t benefit from the help of technology is Foci. This link to science and technology may be appealing to many people; biometric data is increasingly used in many aspects of our lives. The problem here, as aforementioned, is how well the technology actually works.

    The venturers appear to be students or recent graduates, and their test trials using students just gives off an impression of amateurism. For something as complicated as AI, biometrics, personal coaching, and psychology all rolled into one, I’m not sure a two-man team would really be sufficient to cover all the bases.

    At US$89-99 apiece, the price is expected; it’s about the right price for a wearable biometric product. I am not convinced, however, that it would do what it advertises to do, as the scientific basis is a bit shaky. Focus is always a nebulous thing that requires more than a few notifications and orbs to really attain.

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