Fused Education

Originally posted by MET student Brian Haas on 18/01/2018

This is an elevator pitch for Fused Education an online education platform. It is very much a traditional elevator pitch lasting exactly 30 seconds. In the day of 2-3-minute Kickstarter pitches I thought it might be nice to critique a traditional format. No fancy images or music, just the presenter and their words.

( Average Rating: 3.5 )

One response to “Fused Education”

  1. ryan valley

    Yes, I would consider investing in this venture. This is an excellent elevator pitch, clear and to-the-point, it puts Fused Education in front of investors in a concise and professional format. The presenter provides a well defined value proposition, describing how they have a clear customer and market segment, and the exact needs that they have when it comes to investments. He explains that they have already started validating the product and are talking to their target customers. Finally his ask for seed investment at the end for defined roles alludes to an expansion plan that I would ask more about.

    My critiques of this particular video are:

    – they do not introduce who is speaking so it is unclear; is this the CEO or founder, or someone else speaking on behalf of the company?
    – compared to some other more exuberant pitches on here, he may sound less excited about this business. Personally, I was okay with this because I read that he cares more in the fact that he put together such a specific, clear and well rehearsed elevator pitch.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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