
MotivatED is a fictitious venture authored and pitched by ETEC522 student Danielle Couture.

Welcome Investors and EVAs  to MotivatEd,

Game based learning is all the rage, yet this has left teachers juggling with large quantities of apps, passwords and associated costs    Imagine if there was a low-cost solution to increasing student motivation and engagement throughout their entire learning career.  If you are anxious to resolve this issue and dive into the expanding game-based learning market than…

MotivatEd is the solution for you

Follow the link to

Get Students MotivatEd Today!

Important Note  for ETEC 522:

All members of MotivatEd are my friends or are members of my family.  I could not think of better people to begin a business with.   I have included the links to their businesses and books below the Venture pitch if you are interested in their work.

Thank you for your time,

Happy viewing, investing and creating.


( Average Rating: 2 )

2 responses to “MotivatED”

  1. sam

    I found the content of the presentation interesting and saw value in it. However, I would not invest in this venture for one simple reason, which I could not get past. I noticed that the tech skills behind this specific presentation caused me to doubt the effectiveness of anything this notional company could produce. I think that the change in volume and the boarder around that video was distracting and appeared out-dated. While I personally recognize how much effort and time videos like this take, as a consumer, I am skeptical.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Bianca Therese Joson

    I would not invest in this business. While the idea is novel, the pitch left me with questions. It’s unclear how the app is structured and what strategies they employ to engage the users. Engagement is also difficult to craft as each student is unique. Moreover, the app would have to accommodate all sorts of subjects and I don’t see how it’s possible now. With the heavy use of AI, personalization of that nature could happen.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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