
This kickstarter looks at bringing technology into the PE classroom to help with assessment.

( Average Rating: 4 )

4 responses to “AssessLinkPE”

  1. Michael Saretzky

    As someone who has taught elementary PE, I would personally want to invest in this. One strong aspect is that they address the need of such a tool. Many investors may wonder why can’t a PE teacher just watch the class, like the way the investor may have been assessed when they were in school, so this is an important factor to be addressed. The pitch also addresses the lack of other tools and how PE has been left behind in many aspects, demonstrating the market need. Although this pitch may seem like a commercial at times it does cover a lot questions an investor may have about the products.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Simin Rupa

    Yes, I would invest in this product.
    This product clearly has identified a large audience, Physical Activitvty courses within schools, however, I believe this product could also go further and access community, university, physical rehabilitation and professional sporting activities. This video identified key areas of use, such as within the classroom environment, assessment and body awareness. As an investor, I see the integration of personalized feedback aligning with the global educational shift to personalized feedback for students. Furthermore, it is clearly marketable with video examples, or even real-life experiences to demonstrate its purpose. As indicated in the pitch, the ability of the video to analyze the data at that rate and fluency is unmatched by educators. From the viewpoint of a coach or physical rehabilitate, this application identifies each body movement, and sequencing for further analysis and correcting. Through this, you could perfect minute skills to create more competitive athletes. As an investor this product is sound as it has a large established audience, strong financial gain through a one-time purchase for equipment -perhaps a subscription fee for software as well-, and requires minimal oversight once established. This marketable product will revolutionize the PHE world and offer insightful accessible information for our youth.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Marie Finch

    I would invest in this product. I think this is a valuable tool within and beyond the K-12 classroom. Real time assessment with feedback given right away is key for improvement in any subject level. This tool hits those marks and would be valuable for Physical Education curriculum as well as applicable in the physiotherapy and rehabilitation market as well that a previous reviewer commented on. I would also include coaching staff in and a market for this product as well. This venture fills a gap as indicated in the pitch with comparing real time physical assessment by human eyes versus the camera. The entrepreneur discussed the reasons for implementation but also the lack of anything on the market that fills the need that his product fills. His pitch (video) was focused on a younger age group, so diversifying the people who this device would be applicable to would be beneficial to include. The display looked user friendly, but the pitch should have delved into what the display was showcasing in reference the markers the camera measured. The entrepreneur was passionate about the product, and discussed the benefits that would come out of this project. He did not, however, touch on next steps they are taking with this product or the Ask, but most pitches to start do not include those.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. Andrew

    NO, I would not invest in this product. I REALLY like this idea and find its potential to be captivating, however is it enough to get my money? See my pitch critique for more:

    Positive Signs

    The CEO/owner JB exudes knowledge and credibility as someone who works in the physical education space. His passion is clearly evident and he hits home with his understanding of the fundamental goal of teaching physical literacy through physical education. The venture concept itself is relatively unique to the physical education space and is based on technologies (video and/or motion capture and analysis) that are constantly improving. Although the market may not be large (see below), an annual subscription/licensing fee would ensure recurring revenue and could be beneficial to innovation for future iterations.

    Room for Improvement

    Although the venture might be new to the educational space, it is not new elsewhere. These technologies are quite commonplace in the sporting and rehabilitation sectors. See “HumanTrak” or “Onform” for examples of both PC and mobile applications that have been well developed. I will approximate that the educational-focused market for this product is medium-sized. The National Center for Education Statistics puts the number of public schools in the USA around 98,000. Based on my experience, there aren’t many schools that would have a budget to support buying the annual license and training teachers on this application, especially without a full-time physical education teacher at each school. Finally, JB is seemingly working alone. Having other experts in video/motion analysis to help innovation would be key to moving forward.

    Next Steps

    I believe this pitch/venture needs to answer some key questions before I invest:
    (1) Is there a way we can remove the need for special hardware? Can we do this on JUST an iPad? Would that innovation be worth it?
    (2) K-2 physical education is highly play-based and done through teaching games for understanding. Multiple students are sending, receiving, and travelling in different directions ALL at once. Would this application ever be able to work with multiple people in the frame? How close is this technology to being ready to do so?

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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