James Gray CEO and founder of Kortext

James has over 25 years’ Board-level experience as founder & investor for a number of tech-enabled businesses across the UK and USA, as well as CEO of Ingram Digital Group. James is currently CEO of Kortext, the UK’s leading provider of digital textbooks to Universities and students globally.

Kortext is a personalized learning platform that focuses on providing offline and online etextbooks from all the key academic publishers, along with any other etextbooks required for course adoption at universities. Rather than simply being a etextbooks reader or online platform, Kortext has been developed as an educational content platform to integrate with the university’s learning environment and provide interactive use of resources. Accessing etextbooks through Kortext personalized learning platform opens up a whole new world of interactive learning experiences. Kortext’s personalized learning platform and etextbooks reader give you functionality beyond anything you experience with a paper book to help get the very best out of the course. 

I am very interested in interactive ebook. I always think that having a dynamic textbook is more effective than a static book. I haven’t used Kortext but I have read that similar to kognity (also UK ebook platform but for the IB system)

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