48% of people forget to cancel a free trial before they’re charged with auto renewal for a product they do not want. TRIM, the financial heath company, estimates the average consumer can save $120 with subscriptions scanning & cancellations services. While some app consumers use services like TRIM, many do not and become frustrated by being charged for something that did not meet their needs. And they are no closer to finding the right APP product.
Not only does APPMATCH prevent you from being auto-billed for an app that does not meet your needs, it also matches with you with an alternative app that better meets your needs.
How? During the free trial period of any app, the APPMATCH chrome plug-in uses data collection (A.I. and your personal feedback) to track your engagement and satisfaction and provide the app with a personalized rating generated by you. To learn more, please visit: https://appmatch.weebly.com
Watch the Elevator Pitch
FEEDBACK: Hi Tara. You pose a very interesting idea. I think I am still a registered Amazon Prime member because one day, long ago, I forgot to unsubscribe from the service. Some quick general advice. I can’t seem to find your Elevator Pitch anywhere. I see you have a button linking to it within your Venture Pitch, but the link doesn’t seem to take me anywhere. I would suggest, placing your elevator pitch closer to the top and highlighting it. An audience who is looking for a quick explanation/introduction to your idea may not be motivated to read through your venture pitch to find your elevator pitch.
Hello, I think the link should be working now. My apologies! I also added another link to my original assignment post. To be sure, you can also see it here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEPIjc2s10/ITUtNTfAQ-m2yJ6drEQbcg/view?utm_content=DAEPIjc2s10&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=recording_view
Hi, Tara,
I cannot access your elevator pitch either!
I’ll check back when it’s up.
Hello, I think the link should be working now. My apologies! I also added another link to my original assignment post. To be sure, you can also see it here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEPIjc2s10/ITUtNTfAQ-m2yJ6drEQbcg/view?utm_content=DAEPIjc2s10&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=recording_view
A well put together website. It is informational yet concise. Definitely a venture people would be interested in, but at the same time many app’s, much like fitness gyms hope that you pay for a service one never uses! I too could not get your elevator pitch to work.
Hello, I think the link should be working now. My apologies! I also added another link to my original assignment post. To be sure, you can also see it here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEPIjc2s10/ITUtNTfAQ-m2yJ6drEQbcg/view?utm_content=DAEPIjc2s10&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=recording_view
REVIEW: I like your catchy slogan, it helps the viewers to have a much stronger impression. In your marketing strategy, you presented some very compelling number figures, and you presented them in colored blocks which is visually attractive. I think the way you word the sentences can be easily understood by the average person, which helped to sway me towards wanting to invest in you! The venture pitch made me feel like you understand some problems that real people face everyday.
Unfortunately I am also having some problem accessing your elevator pitch. The link seems to be broken.
FEEDBACK: Some texts seems to be light grey, and when there are lots of texts together in one small area, it can be hard for the viewer to focus and finish reading. I like your content, I think it’s a good venture. Thank you!
Hello, I think the link should be working now. My apologies! I also added another link to my original assignment post. To be sure, you can also see it here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEPIjc2s10/ITUtNTfAQ-m2yJ6drEQbcg/view?utm_content=DAEPIjc2s10&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=recording_view
Thank you, Emily,
I made edits according to your feedback. Thank you for giving me the idea to change the font and improve upon how the lay-out of the text. You can see my changes on the updated site: https://appmatch.weebly.com
This is quite an interesting idea which certainly has a market. I think your venture pitch is straightforward and easy to navigate and I appreciate the included market statistics. I do, however have a couple points of feedback. First, as a chrome extension you are missing out on 30% of the desktop market and 40% of mobile market right off the bat. I think creating a universal app or extension would be a better way to go. Second, there are some clear privacy implications here. Given the current backlash towards data harvesting apps proposing a service that tracks and analyses your every move may get you some bad press.
Breaking the fourth wall a little your elevator pitch was nearly three times longer than the 1min maximum detailed in the assignment guidelines. I think the slides were excellent and attractive, but they could use some pairing down to really fit into an elevator pitch format. Second, several of the images on the venture pitch are heavily pixelated and could be replaced with higher resolution alternatives to give a much more professional look (The image of apps behind the “market strategy” portion is probably the most obvious example.)
Hi Adrian,
Thank you for the feedback. I also agree with you about how I am missing out on 30% desktop market and 40% of mobile market right off the bat. That is a great point. I think targeting the mobile market is the most critical and was the space where I initially wanted to launch this product. When I spoke with a colleague who is an app developer at Google, she suggested a Google chrome plug-in simply for the logistics and code writing necessary for of this product. I will reach out to her again and follow up with questions related to your feedback.
I also understand and appreciate the concerns you have raised regarding privacy implications and data-mining. The reason I offered the phase II of development was mainly because my colleague at Google could not think of a way to make this product financially viable, so I came up with the fremium model coupled with the data-mining scheme. Perhaps if I focus on marketing the add-ons then the data-mining scheme will not be necessary.
I have updated my elevator pitch to be 1 min. long. Thank you for the recommendations about the pixelated images.
Please see my updated venture pitch website: https://appmatch.weebly.com and revised 1 min. elevator pitch:
Hi Tara,
Your presentation is fantastic, I had no idea you could create such interesting presentations on Canva these days, I will have to check that program out again (it’s been a couple of years). I found your venture pitch to be very well thought out and thorough, it is evident that you put a lot of thought into this and it sounds like a great idea.
Thanks, Ryan, for the feedback. I also had no idea (until this project) that you could make video presentations in Canva. I tried to make simply a video in Powtoon, but I needed to upgrade to a professional account so I went with Canva.