Hello, ETEC 522

Hey everyone. My name is Mike Orlandi and this is my 5th course in the MET program. I am a 4th year Tech Ed. (shop class) teacher at a public high school on Vancouver Island. This year I have been doing woodworking, metalworking and a district wide trade sampler course that in partnered with a local post secondary institution. I’m looking forward to learning about emerging technologies that I can possibly incorporate in my shop/classroom.

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4 responses to “Hello, ETEC 522”

  1. Josh Wood

    Hi Mike! Though I’m now back in the Physics classroom, over the past two years I had the opportunity to work in a makerspace. I miss the environment that is created when students have the creative freedom to create and build! Though we did build traditional woodworking skills, we also had access to laser cutters, CNCs and 3D printers. I am optimistic that the maker movement will continue to grow and have a more prominent place in our schools.

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    1. michael orlandi

      Hi Josh,
      Sounds like your doing cool things in HK! The maker movement and traditional woodworking are fairly different, but I believe both have their places in education. Pretty awesome you got to do both!

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  2. luke pereira

    HI Mike! we meet again this semester! hope all is well and looking forward to more interesting projects!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. michael orlandi

      Hey Luke. Hope all is well with you in Toronto!
      This course looks to have a similar format to the one we did..

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