EXPLR- Globalising Online Content for Kids


EXPLR aims to create a streaming service that is educational, globalists’, amusing and solution-based for youth. With their initial goal met in under 2 hours, EXPLR is quickly on their to becoming an established safe place for youth to consume media without parental supervision. Offering streaming services of Oscar-winning movies, and shows covering topics such as STEM, female empowerment, Social-Emotional Learning and more, EXPLR is to bridge the gap between childhood viewership and pre-teen/early teen viewership to continue to foster these children’s minds positively.

( Average Rating: 4 )

5 responses to “EXPLR- Globalising Online Content for Kids”

  1. Simin Rupa

    Yes, I would invest in this venture.

    As media continues to grow, and our children grow smarter, it is hard to ensure that their consumption is appropriate. EXPLR provides a clear goal: creating a positive, solution-based streaming service, that can be accessed whenever. Their audience is large as it would encapsulate children as young as 8 all the way up, even adults may find the content enjoyable. As well this program is marketable to multiple different groups, such as school districts, individual families, community services and even traditional TV channels. With no need for a physical setup, and accessible through any internet-connected device this venture will succeed as it replicates and extended other similar models of children-friendly curated video sites. With a range of topics to be covered this venture will surely become a household classic once launched.

    ( 2 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. joseph kwan

    Hi Simin,

    Thank you for posting about EXPLR – it certainly does look like an interesting venture!

    As mentioned on the website (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/explrmedia/explr-smart-content-for-curious-kids), EXPLR aims to “create and present videos online to educate, inspire, and empower young people to become agents of change”.

    EXPLR’s platform launches on June 1, 2021 and has almost quadrupled their initial funding goal of $20,000 ($76,594 raised as of May 30, 2021).

    While EXPLR currently offers two subscriptions (6-month home use and 1-year teacher use), it will be nice if they provided reduced subscription rates for students in low-income families and/or live with disabilities.

    Besides the above, EXPLR seems like a promising venture and one that I would personally invest in myself.


    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. brendan stanford

    Yes I would invest as the “pain point” is clear (it’s tough finding safe and educational content as a parent and I would pay for a service where I know that the entire library falls into this category) and the target customer (parent/teacher) and consumer (child/K-12 student) is clear as well. Well done pitch; I’d love to hear more!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. alexis reeves

    Yes, I would invest in knowing more about this product. It identified a problem or gap in the market being, safe, educational and positive media for teens and tweens alongside teachers and parents. The entrepreneur appeared confident, determined, gave examples of where this has been done in the past signifying she had done her research and presented passion and enthusiasm in the product. Although a lot of buzz words were used such as “revolutionizing”, the pitch had clear examples of content and categories of content that helped illustrate the products point and usefulness. The only thing missing was the entrepreneur’s background whereby she didn’t explain how she added value other than the idea itself. The pitch also mentioned needed an investment but did not explain what type of investment. However, for an elevator pitch it showed completeness.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  5. Kyle

    Yes, I would invest to learn more, though I’m a skeptic. If I am only investing a bit more time to learn more, I am in. There is a niche for such a tool, and marketing to both home and school is wise, and increases the potential buyer pool considerably. This provides for better market manoeuvrability should there be need for one as the trends in education change. I would like to hear more about how they differentiate themselves from what’s already on the market and how their service is superior or their strategy to get this platform out to a large enough audience to be considered credible. That the service is already available to market makes an investment of time a little bit easier, but my skepticism lies in the ‘edutainment’ concept, and whether that as both an educational philosophy and a social trend are viable to make this truly “revolutionary”.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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