A1 Analyst Report: Microlearning Platform Market

Have you ever thought of creating microlearning content for your learners? Did you know there are platforms that can help learning professionals create polished, multimodal, lessons in bitesize formats?

I have chosen to go a slightly different route than most in this assignment: I was interested in the variety of microlearning platforms available, so I decided to cover the entire market. There are a lot of ways that learning professionals can create microlearning experiences for their audiences- is it a good market to invest in right now?

Come and find out here: https://sites.google.com/view/microappinvesting/home

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2 responses to “A1 Analyst Report: Microlearning Platform Market”

  1. hasssae1

    Hi Hayley,
    I enjoyed reading your A1. The website was visually stunning, and easy to navigate. The video overview was quite engaging, creative, and clear. I particularly liked many of the external resources that you used, namely the consolidated list of Best Microlearning Platforms. As someone who manages a team of training experts, I think microlearning platforms complement corporate LMSs quite nicely, and can enhance the overall learning experience. One thing crossed my mind as I was reviewing your work. As an investor, should I only look into microlearning platforms if I’m involved in corporate learning (HR, L&D, etc…) or would this be applicable to other areas as well? (e.g. schools, etc..)? In other words, what type of investor would be the main target audience? Thank you.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Hayley Mooney

    Hi Saeid, thanks for your response! There is definitely a market in microlearning platforms for the K-12 and post-secondary education crew. In the case of K-12 teachers, I think the money to be made is more through adds and data collection, as I haven’t seen many schools take up a learning platform for the entire school, and individual teachers rarely have much of a budget for anything other than free services. I think higher education has more of a potential to use the paid-platforms. So to be an investor in the market of learning platforms it’s more about knowing who the platform is catering to, and whether it has the potential to grow in that sector. You can definitely invest in platforms that aim at K-12 learning, but make sure they have a source of income that makes sense- a lot of the ones I looked into seemed to offer the free version to teachers, but their income was primarily through corporate means. My target investor therefore is a person, company or school interested in whether a platform will succeed and bring in revenue, not necessarily someone only interested in corporate learning.

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