Hi MET Community!
Hi everyone, My name is Richard Derksen and this is my 5th course in the MET program. I originally started the program working in higher education in the Metro Vancouver area, but the benefits of what I’ve already learned in this program have prompted a bit of a career shift quicker than I could have […]
Hello from Terrence
Hello everyone, My name is Terrence and I live in Vancouver BC. This is my 6th MET course, and I am also taking ETEC 520 this term. Nice to meet you all! Although my background is not directly related to teaching, I still considers myself as an engineer-side of educator. I completed my Bachelor of Applied […]
My name is Doug, and I am currently taking my 5th and 6th MET courses. I am currently nearing the end of a deferred salary leave which has been amazing for my mental and physical health after a very stressful few years. Many have asked me if I am looking forward to going back to […]
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone! 522 will be my fifth course in the MET program. I currently live in Calgary, Alberta. For the past ten years I have been working with the public school board in Calgary, teaching students from Kindergarten to Grade 5. At the moment I am on maternity leave with our first child. I am […]
Introducing myself
Hey everyone, my name is Lowell. This is my third course in the program, and I am currently plugging away at the graduate certificate and considering laddering into the master’s stream. I work as an adaptive technologist at Centennial College in Toronto, focusing on leveraging technology-based solutions to address accessibility issues. Excited about this course […]
Hi everyone, I’m Ben Coulombe. I am entering my 8th course here in the MET program (home stretch!) and, like a few others have already mentioned, I am seeing more and more familiar faces. I am currently living in Samborondon, Ecuador but am originally from Sudbury, Ontario. I had been an international teacher for around […]
Greetings from Vera Xiong
Hi everyone, it’s Vera Xiong sending you greetings from the beautiful British Columbia. I am thrilled to be part of the Ventures in Learning Technologies course, and this summer I’m taking my last two courses in MET. As a student, I am passionate about exploring the intersection of technology and education. I believe that learning […]
Hello MET Community!
My name is Carlo and this is my fourth MET course. I’ve been taking a slow and steady approach as I balance family and my day job as a physician based in Toronto. My main academic pursuit is the application of educational technologies in health professions education (HPE). I’m learning a lot in this program, […]
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone! My name is Emma Markoff, and I am excited to be in this course this summer – this is my tenth and final course (NEVER thought I would be saying that!!). I am from Ontario, near Toronto, and work full time in a psychiatric hospital and part time at the University of Guelph, […]
Hello everyone :)
Hello everyone. ETEC 522 is my sixth MET course and I am proud of myself for having gotten this far! I am originally from Victoria, BC, I call Vancouver home, BUT, I am currently living in Hong Kong with my partner. It has been a wild ride moving to Asia at the end of the […]