This is another Gartner-related post, which can be considered an update or at least related to the Gartner Top Technology Trends posted in this same forum.
Just like the Top Technology Trends post, this is a yearly publication of new and developing technologies plotted as the Gartner Hype Cycle (with creatively named phases: Innovation Trigger, Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment, Slope of Enlightenment, and Plateau of Productivity).
The power in the Hype Cycle lies in following these trends as they march across over successive years and to see if they follow or fall-off the Hype Cycle.
They have Hype Cycles for many technological innovations across various domains, including education technology for K-12 and Higher Education (Edit: I originally added pics for the 2022 versions, but removed them as they are proprietary data from Gartner).
In addition, to a nice graphic, they also have introductory research to the technologies that are in the ’embryonic’ stage of development.
Access to Gartner is available with contact and email registration.
An interesting projection for K-12 however, it would be of equal interest to consider the backgrounds taken into account. Assuming this represents the US, there are multiple factors to consider at this level, notwithstanding, public/ private funding and support and the postal codes ( to name a few variables) where technology availability and quality teachers can be found. Class sizes also factor into this Cycle as this is a constant variable at all levels of elementary and high school education