Opportunity Horizon: Big Data
Big data in education allows for analysis of large sets to see patterns to create new changes/address any problems, etc. Big data analyses, of both retrospective and prospective data, can help us focus on improving learning/education for students. Further, with regard to technology, big data can help us to understand the functioning of learning systems. […]
Google Trends – Market Projection
Google Trends provides access to a largely unfiltered sample of actual search requests made to Google. It’s anonymized (no one is personally identified), categorized (determining the topic for a search query) and aggregated (grouped together). This allows us to display interest in a particular topic from around the globe or down to city-level geography. (Google, […]
Opportunity Horizon: Gartner Hype Cycle for K-12 and Higher Education
This is another Gartner-related post, which can be considered an update or at least related to the Gartner Top Technology Trends posted in this same forum. Just like the Top Technology Trends post, this is a yearly publication of new and developing technologies plotted as the Gartner Hype Cycle (with creatively named phases: Innovation Trigger, […]
Hi Everyone!
Hi to all in ETEC 522 this term. I’m Carina. I currently live in Langley, B.C. and teach grade four in a small (less than 300) elementary school. This is my 14th year as a classroom teacher. They warn you that time will fly by when you are a first-year teacher, but they don’t mention […]
Hi ETEC 522 :)
Hi everyone! I’m Danielle, a Junior High Diverse Learning Teacher from Calgary, Alberta. ETEC 522 will be my seventh course so far, and I’m really excited about it! I have a strong interest in exploring and implementing emerging technologies that enhance teacher efficacy and provide authentic learning experiences, particularly for students with unique educational or […]
Hello Everyone!
Hi everyone, I’m Hassan Singer and work in IT at an independent school in Toronto. Before I started doing IT in schools, I worked at a few companies in providing training for, and helping with the development of, adaptive technology, mainly focusing on that for users with visual impairments. I saw both the extraordinary usefulness […]
hello ETEC 522
Hello from Stockholm Sweden, my other home. I presently work with the Nunavik Inuit in Northern Quebec as Health Liaison and Teaching development. I look forward to learning more about building and designing new learning materials and techniques with emphasis upon cultural and artistic backgrounds. I find this aspect relevant to attracting and maintaining interest […]
Hello ETEC522!
Hi All! My name is Helena, but most call me Lena (Leh-na). I previously was an ESL instructor when I first apply to this program but have since then worked for Toronto Public Health (in the communicable diseases unit) and I now currently work in the solar tech industry as a manager of a data […]
Hello Hello
Hi everyone my name is Trista. I have been working as an Early Literacy Teacher at Surrey School District for 5 years. This is my last course in the MET program and I am very excited about it. I want to explore how I can apply what I’ve learned so far and (maybe) transform it […]
3D Printing and the impact on Education
My school has a 3D printing tech room and several printers, often used by students to experiment and build their own final projects. In my mind, 3D printing is changing education in multiple ways. 3D printing allows students to create physical objects from digital designs, which can help them better understand concepts and theories in […]