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A1: Venture Analysis – SaskCode

A1: Venture Analysis – SaskCode

Please follow the link to my analysis of SaskCode, a non-profit venture of the Saskatoon Industry Education Council and with support from industry and the federal CanCode program.

This is an image of the Fliki.AI logo. It has a vibrant pink background and white writing with the logo of a cloud-like shape with a play button in the centre of it.

A1. Analyst Report: Fliki.AI

Connecting educational technology with the omnipresent emergence of AI, I wanted to explore software that could benefit language teachers with the creation of resources. Many teachers have been worried and worse, terrified by what AI is doing and will do to education, but I, along with some language teacher peers, am trying my best to […]

A1. Analyst Report – Plickers

Hi everyone – I chose to take a deep dive into Plickers, a formative assessment tool.

Analyst Report – CEM IBE

Analyst Report – CEM IBE

The International Baccalaureate Evaluation (IBE) from Cambridge Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) CEM’s International Baccalaureate Evaluation (IBE) assessment is an adaptive baseline assessment designed with you mind. It gives you: Specifically designed to support the IB Diploma Programme, CEM IBE helps you personalise learning to unlock your students’ potential and prepare them for their very best […]