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(A3) Venture Pitch: ScreenSense

(A3) Venture Pitch: ScreenSense

The cellphone in the classroom has become as ubiquitous as a pencil or pen. These tools are awesome technological advances, but they can also be distracting and addictive for students. ScreenSense takes back the class as it gives teachers greater control over the phone usage in the classroom and transforms a student phone into an […]

(A3) Venture Pitch: GradeAIssist

(A3) Venture Pitch: GradeAIssist

Time is the most valuable resource that any teacher has. At GradeAIssist, we are looking to give as much of that resource back to educators as we can, at a time when they need it most. Education is becoming more personalized, more independent and further integrated with emerging AI technologies. GradeAIssist is helping bridge the […]