A3 Venture Pitch – Job Con


I am proud to share with you, Job Con! A digital solution to assist Career Teachers and help students with the burning question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” 



Please check out the Venture Pitch here: https://sites.google.com/view/job-con/home?authuser=2

Here is the Elevator Pitch:

( Average Rating: 3.5 )

17 responses to “A3 Venture Pitch – Job Con”

  1. sam

    I was skeptical of this Idea at first because I thought of the fact that there are already job conventions. However, I quickly came around when I thought of the fact that when I was growing up there were none close to my town. I quickly thought about the fact that students can see many more job booths with this type of convention that in person. I also think that it significantly increases accessibility. This may not be as effective in a large city as it would be extremely beneficial to rural areas. Great idea. Sam

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    1. delapena

      Hi Sam,

      Thank you for checking out my Venture. I’ll be honest and never thought about the rural areas but if it were to take off, I think it would open more opportunities for students and maybe invest back home. thanks!


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  2. Devon Bobowski

    FEEDBACK – I like your positioning on how text descriptions of a job don’t give sufficient detail for a good impression of the actual work experience. The VR application definitely helps to make this more immersive. My only major concern is that the tasks students may be doing are insufficient to give a realistic impression of the complexity of jobs. It may be beneficial to consider adding on with observations, interviews, etc. These could be made very compelling (an interactive VR video of a simulated emergency room, etc., or interviews with an AI based “expert” that could chat and provide career insights in a virtual format.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. delapena

      HI Devon,

      Thank you for your feedback. In terms of realistic impression, that would be a challenge for sure! I like your idea on adding the observations, interviews, and more to make it more of a complete package but I guess the sky’s the limit. In terms of career education, these would be considered for sure. Thank you again for your feedback!


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  3. Bradley Miller


    Hi Jeremiah,

    Thank you for sharing your venture pitch. The concept is intriguing, but from your elevator pitch alone, it was initially unclear what your actual project entails. The imagery suggested you’re creating a VR space resembling a trade show convention, with stations offering a ‘day in the life’ experience for various careers. Having now browsed your site, it’s clear that’s exactly what you’re doing, and I must say, the idea is fantastic!

    As an investor, however, I’m left wondering about the specifics of your funding needs and how you intend to utilize the investment. The pitch doesn’t quite clarify how the venture will become profitable or the mechanisms for generating profit. A detailed outline of the financials would greatly enhance the attractiveness of this investment opportunity.



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    1. delapena

      HI Bradley,

      Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for identifying that I was missing a revenue for profit. I think if I were to add a revenue stream, it would come down to the cost of the program and how much would I sell. Seeing that it is an application, I would probably go via the user subscription to gain that profit. Again, thank you for identifying this!


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  4. Rich

    Hi Jeremiah,
    I like the age old problem you set out to tackle here. “What should I do when I grow up?” Sam makes a great point above in her comment that this potentially could bring a lot of knowledge and ideas to more rural areas as well. The idea is there, I can see where you are going with it, and I like it but there was something that I was unclear about. I understand that students are generally your users, but who is the consumer? Are students paying for this? Are companies paying to be a part of this? What is the profit model here? As an investor, I see the ask but the return is unclear as to where exactly that will come from. Other than that, I thought it is a good idea that would be an interesting venture to work on. I think a beta version could be built and testing with very little investment.
    Thank you

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    1. delapena

      Hi Rich,

      Thank you for your feedback. These are great questions. There was a lot to consider on what this would look like but I agree who is the consumer? I would never ask students to pay for this as this should be a district acquisition. I think companies would pay into this to not only give outreach but also potential advertisement and job hunting. With your feedback, it could almost be a one stop shop but also pending on the employer or employers who would buy into this. As for the profit model, I would agree that was something I was not clear about. Thank you for your feedback as it got me thinking of holes and potential additions.


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  5. meagan kelm

    Hi Jeremiah
    Thanks for your work on this project. I think you have focused in on an important problem where students either are not fully aware of all the career opportunities available to them or they may be nervous to jump into something new without fully understanding what the work looks like. Taking this problem and using the power of technology has a lot of potential in that we could give the users a lot of exposure and a good idea of what they might encounter in this career. Areas as a potential investor that I would want to know more about would be your financials. How are you going to use the money I am investing and as an investor what does my return on investment look like

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. delapena

      Hi Meagan,

      Thank you for your feedback. I think I focused more on the problem and the solution but maybe a more clearer idea and profit margin would enhance the view of the investors. Thank you.


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  6. Noor

    Hello Jeremiah,

    I believe this is a significant concern for many students. The impact of not being able to choose a career that aligns with your potential and creativity can have far-reaching consequences. When you’re content with your career choice, it can boost your self-confidence and lead to happiness in other aspects of life. Many students struggle with decision-making because they lack a clear understanding of the nature of their future profession. Investing in career guidance and exploration is a commendable idea. However, for profit-oriented investors, the motivation might not be as strong as it is for students making choices about their future.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. delapena

      Hi Noor,

      Thank you for your feedback. Investing in career guidance and exploration is huge and I think as teachers, we’re limited with the resources we have. As much as I would like to send students out into the workforce to try it out, it seems more of a nightmare than productive; especially on the liability side. As for the profit-oriented investors, I guess that was something my pitch could emphasize to entice those profit oriented.


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  7. Daniel Edwards

    Hello Jeremiah,

    Your elevator pitch got my attention earlier and was also engaging. I felt the proposition of virtual reality jobs was great after I thought about it, especially for students who are not in the workforce yet. After thinking of the viral games that have came out over the last few years, such as “Papers, Please”, “Stardue Valley”, and “Moving Out” many of them were more or less working at a job in an immersive environment. So, there seems to be a strong interest in this idea. As a prospective investor, I like that you have investment plans there. I was hoping to see a bit more about the market share and an analysis of the market. I like this idea as a prospective customer and would like to join this product.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. delapena

      Hi Daniel,

      Thank you for the feedback. I have never heard of those even in searching for competition. Thank you for sharing that. I think that because this has not been in the scope of even existing except for career specific training. As a potential investor, I would have to dig a little deeper. In my initial findings there was very little but maybe I was looking in the wrong spots. Thank you for your feedback and thank you for your consideration!


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  8. aturpin

    Hi Jeremiah,

    I just want to say that I was very impressed with your pitch. What a wonderful idea. Far too often do students have no idea what sort of career they want to pursue as they progress through their adolescent years. I think the idea providing students with the virtual experience of different careers is great, especially as we continue through this world of advancing technology. You also seem to have your investors lined up as well. There are some very good ideas in here, and some wonderful ways to help students who want to progress and find themselves. I would love to see this enterprise develop.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Adam Turpin

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  9. sacree

    Hi Jeremiah,

    Well done with the elevator pitch – I like the personal investment. As somebody who runs a school guidance department, I definitely see the value of this kind of venture, and I believe that it can help fill some holes that a lack of resources causes in educational and career guidance.

    As far as an investment, I think that there needs to be something in it that is very clear for business partners and investors. Trying out different fields has enormous value, but I think you’ll have the greatest success if potential employers actually invest in the venture. There is risk, though, of this becoming a recruiting fair.

    Anyways, I like it, I think you have a fantastic idea.


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  10. Braden Holt


    Hi Jeremiah,

    I think you nailed the business side of the pitch. It was professionally done and clearly directed towards investors. I can see the value in this product but I worry about getting buy-in from students. As an investor and a teacher I know some students would not take this seriously and their results would not be valid. What strategies could your company deploy to increase buy-in from student participants?

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