Deloitte Insights

Deloitte Insights are free, open, and respected sources of information about trends that impact organizations. Two key annual publications are Tech Trends and Human Capital Trends. The Tech Trends publication is technology oriented and the Human Capital Trends focuses on the people side of innovation. These trends impact how technology is created and delivered which would include learning focused technologies. Further, these trends provide insights for those looking at how to scale learning within an organization.

To put context around the Tech Trends, they provide a view called “Trending the trends” that plots a decade of trends. This view highlights trend themes and positions the trends of the past in regard to where are today. A thoughtful exercise to build on such a view would be to try and anticipate where the trends go next.

Deloitte Insights also strives to support consumption of trend information through associated videos, executive summaries, case studies, survey results (including results from partnerships with organizations such as MIT) and some great summary graphics such as looks at the Digital Transformation NetworkHuman Principles for the Social EnterpriseIntelligent Interfaces Create Real-Time, Context-Aware, Automated Feedback Loops, and Considerations for Connectivity Technology Selection.

Last but not least, I appreciate the trend reports can be downloaded in their entirety, or a custom report can be created and downloaded with just the trends of interest.

Deloitte Insights: Tech TrendsHuman Capital Trends

( Average Rating: 4 )

2 responses to “Deloitte Insights”

  1. adriana silvestre

    Deloitte insights market projections are focused on current trends in technology that are always updated. It provides a good analysis in the use and impact in different industries. I often review their publications as they are well organized, well presented, and provide a good explanation of new trends in technology with concrete examples and guidelines to put into practice.

    Their market projections are organized per industry, and for education the focus is in higher education. Their recent report focuses on how technology is changing higher education to become a more personalized experience, “made for me”, “Big data-driven”, “Just right” education” and “Stackable credentials”.

    As educators it is important to be aware of technological trends and adapt our practice so that students are ready to be successful as lifelong learners.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Richard Derksen

    The relevancy of the information and the variety in how the information is shown in this market projection are impressive. From the charts that categorize trends and associated risks in from the previous 13 years to infographics that highlight considerations for those exploring Experience Design, to the number of articles and case studies demonstrates the depth of research and considerations for how the information is presented to the reader. In particular, there is ample value for those wishing to bring in industry examples into their learning environments is the focus is on economics or business.

    A few limitations I discovered were in addition to the education category having an emphasis on higher education, the focus is particularly on trends in American education. This appears to differ from other industries that have been categorized that offer a more global perspective in their articles.

    The industries are also organized broadly. This makes finding resources beyond higher education possible, but also a bit cumbersome. If the article is recent or trending, it is easily accessible, like the one below addressing adult education. However, to differentiate from higher education to adult education and the K-12 sector for information that is not one of four articles trending, it is not immediately intuitive navigating the website to know if that information exists.

    Overall the wealth of information in this market projection is attractive enough for me to continue revisiting this page and I would recommend it to colleagues, but it would come with the caveat that the volume of information may require a deep dive to find specific resources.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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