Knowledgeworks Future of Learning Forecast is a private consultancy group founded in 2000. They are based in Ohio, USA and offer articles and workshops on personalized learning and competency-based learning to schools, districts and educational policymakers. Their market forecast document Navigating the Future of Learning Forecast 5.0 identifies 5 “drivers of change” that provide a thought-provoking counterpoint to both the large corporate predictions (e.g. Gartner, McKinsey, Deloitte) and to NGO publications (e.g. OECD, UNESCO, WEF).

WARNING: While this “forecast” is recurrent, keep in mind that “prediction” is not a core competency of this group, and their publications may not be as much research-based as other sources.

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2 responses to “Knowledgeworks Future of Learning Forecast”

  1. alexei Peter Dos Santos

    Navigating the Future of Learning Forecast 5.0 brings us the 5 drives of change that really rings a bell about the technology demands a resignification of our relationship on every level, personal, institutional, and community. I have been working with Health and Education, and these drivers, Automating Choices, Civic Superpowers, Accelerating Brains, Toxic Narratives, and Remaking Geographies, touch and resound on us daily. Even though some resist believing, these drivers evidence a shaping of a new mindset and social values. Intuitively, students realize that apprenticeship should be linked with tools and connections for future issues and regarding the constant movements of civilization. In one of my favorite books, The Alarming History of Medicine by Richard Gordon, I learned to demystify Medicine as the Science of magical solutions and seek data and humanization.
    Navigating the Future of Learning is utterly incorporated with my APP and algorithms to help people to get healthier and make the most direct connection to the right doctors.

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  2. greg patton

    Its amazing how easily their 5 drives of change transition to education; at least in my mind. As I am a VP in quite an large high school, I have seen examples of all five of these in the last 2 weeks alone! It would be interesting to put these up at a staff meeting and see if staff can also see the the correlations…

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