Pitch Pool: PasswordPocket

Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/atlancube/passwordpocket-your-personal-data-guardian?ref=discovery_category

If you are anything like me, you have dozens of different accounts that require usernames and passwords. For me, the solution has been to have similar usernames and passwords across different platforms to ensure I do not forget login info. This is a terrible idea from a security perspective.

PasswordPocket would solve that problem entirely.

This to me is a good example of an elevator pitch as it sets the stage for the problem it is solving in the management and security of different usernames and passwords, highlights how it will solve those problems via its portable encrypted data storage device, and answers any questions the investor might have about potential shortcomings of the product. This is all communicated in a short, visually appealing presentation.

( Average Rating: 3.5 )

3 responses to “Pitch Pool: PasswordPocket”

  1. Douglas Millie

    NO – it’s a good pitch, and I like the idea. Currently, Google Chrome and Apple Keychain both handle the same tasks with software, and it is convenient and secure enough that millions of people use those products every day. This leads me to question the value in this type of hardware device, though I certainly see some situations where this would be great.

    Scenario 1: using high risk online services. If you have many bank accounts and need help keeping high quality passwords organized, this product would be a great help. I personally don’t like the idea of storing my bank passwords with Google or Apple on the cloud, but I do all of my banking through a small number of accounts. This type of device would allow for very secure passwords (long, complex) while minimizing the consequences of forgetting them.

    Scenario 2: in early elementary education. Much easier and convenient for young students to simply use a hardware key to login, and this would reduce the advantage for Single Sign On accounts dramatically.

    Realistically, I think that this is a niche product that would see the highest level of use among the very wealthy, or spies.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. benjamin coulombe

      Hi Douglas,

      I did not even think of the implications for students and password data for various devices. This is a constant issue for me with the number of different platforms currently in use and students continually forgetting login information! This would help tremendously with managing all of those systems, particularly when students transition from year to year and inevitably forget their account information.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Jennie Jiang

    Yes, I would invest in this venture. As technology advances, more and more of our daily lives are moving online and becoming digital. This device would be a great help to our senior population and those that are not used to smartphones and computers. One major challenge with passwords that are stored in device software is switching between different device, and when saved passwords are not be immediately available at a new location. A portable hardware device could be more user-friendly if your job, or lifestyle require the usage of more devices at different locations.

    I think this is a great pitch, they’ve identified the pain point, which is that passwords are difficult to remember and not safe to store. They offer the solution, which is to have a convenient and safe hardware you can carry around. They indicated the benefit of their product over other password storage options, and gave credibility to the company itself, and the project team. I can see the product’s future price and the reward for investor pledge, and the pitch also provided numbers, risks and timeline.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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