Learning Analytics

Human interaction with information on the Internet, including consumption, creation and distribution, generates data with value that can be mined.  Social media analytics, for example, is a red-hot market as organizations of all kinds seek to understand rapidly-emerging trends.  Learning Analytics applies similar data-mining techniques to create value for learners, teachers, parents, and education systems.

Opportunity Statement

Traditional top-down approaches to Learning Analytics focus on evaluating the performance of learners, teachers and/or education systems.  However, more disruptive strategies look at how learners, teachers and education systems can each harness data appropriate to improving their own performance.  There are also learning-specific opportunities related to broader data-mining and analytics markets with respect to sensors, acquisition, participation models, privacy, security, and brokerage.

Prediction Source(s) 

Educause – Learning Analytics

Gartner – Next-Generation Analytics

Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll