Greetings from Vancouver
My name is Allan, and I live in Vancouver, BC. I am at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre at UBC as a program services librarian. My work is enjoyable and fresh as my responsibilities include supporting community engagement initiatives and cultural programming at the Learning Centre. I help design and deliver programs and services to support the broader community as well as variety of learners and instructors — some of which include social media and emerging technology initiatives.
I enjoy putting down my thoughts onto (digital) paper, as I think reflective inquiry is an important practice in one’s profession and craft. Some of my thoughts are recorded on my blog at:
I am currently in my sixth course in the MET programme, and I am extremely excited about joining course and the new ideas and knowledge that accompany me in this journey.
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Leonora Zefi 5:45 pm on May 7, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Alan,
Thank you for sharing your blog. Wow – you have certainly invested a lot of time on “recording your thoughts” – what an extensive list of resources.
Looking forward to working with you.
Donna Forward 8:46 pm on May 7, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Allan,
I want a pair of those glasses! However, it would be funny to see people walking around the streets talking to themselves all of the time. Looking forward to working with you in this course.