Hi from Helen
Hello to all my ETEC co-learners and e-venturists. A warm hello from central Ont. It’s nice to see so many familiar names in this group.
My name is Helen DeWaard and I am working on my 7th and 8th MET courses this semester. I am currently finishing my first experience as a contract lecturer with a local Univ. in the Faculty of Education. It has renewed my interest in teaching, but from a different perspective.
I have been an educator for over 30 years and have worn many hats over the course of this journey – teacher, resource support, special education support, prep, VP, P and now faculty advisor. The many changes in educational technology continue to challenge me as a learner and instructor, so I look forward to seeing another side to the ‘business’ of learning.
My interests include reading, biking, gardening and an occasional game of golf. My husband and I are ’empty nesters’ and have recently completed a DIY renovation of our kitchen. I’m the ‘go-fer’ on the project, but have learned to handle a tile-cutter as a result of this reno.
Within this course, I hope to learn and investigate more about new ventures and the global potential for certified, qualified teachers who may not be able to find work in the traditional classroom context, but who exhibit all the elements of passionate, dedicated practitioners of the craft of teaching. The potential of building connections for young, energized educators to extend their skills into a global, educational marketplace has enticing potential for employment.
Helen DW
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Dennis Pratt 9:10 pm on May 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I am glad to hear the kitchen reno is done. I hear they are the worst. What project is next? I am addicted to handyman shows and love to pick up on what they do wrong.
HJDeW 10:48 am on May 9, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Dennis, I don’t think my marriage would survive another reno project. You know what is said about ‘opposites attract’. Not so much with reno work! 🙂 I love the DIY shows too, but they make it look so easy. Doesn’t look anything like the months of dust and mess!
karonw 10:11 pm on May 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen,
I’m Karon, nice to meet you. Wow, you have a lot of teaching experience! I just started teaching in the hospital, however I am hoping to become an Instructor for New Media one day. I look forward in learning with you.
Karon Wong
Colin Kam 10:51 pm on May 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen. Nice to meet you again. We were in ETEC 500 last semester. Thank you for reading and providing suggestions for my critiques :). I look forward to working with you again this semester.
Deborah S 5:04 am on May 9, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen,
It’s great to see you again! As I recall from previous courses, your experience leads to some fantastic insight. Looking forward to working with you again.
mariefrancehetu 5:27 pm on May 9, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen,
I am particularly interested in new ways to globally expand learning and teaching, and hope to one day land a job that allows me to share new learning ventures with the world. I look forward to working with you over the course of this term and also sharing common thoughts on the subject of teaching in non-traditional contexts.
gillian 5:33 pm on May 9, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen,
Fantastic to ‘see’ you again. I look forward to your insights as usual. Maybe this time around we will have the chance to work together.
How are you enjoying ‘higher’ education? It’s definitely one of my future goals.
Congrats on your new kitchen … I can tell you one thing about home renos – you are NEVER done!
Yves Mainville 7:14 am on May 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen.
Most interesting background you bring to the course. I very much look forward to learning with you. We are planning to sell and buy in the next month or so as well, and with that the inevitable painting, fixing, moving, etc. Months of mess and dust – don’t miss that at all… We tried out concrete countertops in the kitchen in our current home, they turned out beautifully… but have you ever tried to keep up with concrete dust when sanding and polishing??? With an 8 month preggo wife was quite the experience. 🙂
Good course and good luck!
troos 4:31 pm on May 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen:
I enjoyed your presence in ETEC 500 and appreciated your willingness to provide both experienced guidance and practical ideas in many ways. Wish you the best for this course and I look forward to your comments and analysis on the material to come.
Leonora Zefi 5:56 pm on May 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen,
It’s great to see you again in this course. Looking forward to working with you.
mackenzie 10:57 pm on May 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen,
Its great to be in your insightful presence again. I really enjoyed your research proposal from ETEC 500, thanks for sharing. I hope we get a chance to work together again.
Cheers, Steve