Hello From Montreal

Hello everyone

My name is Bridget Perry-Gore and this is my final course in the MET program. It is amazing how memories of the crazy weeks when school, social and MET deadlines all collided have faded. It has been a great experience so far and I have definitely improved my reading and writing. It sounds funny, I know, but I was away from school for many years and it took some effort to feel comfortable again.

I work in a private day school in Montreal where I teach math and coach basketball and soccer. It is my off-season now, which means that I can give a little extra time to the course…and breathe.  I admire those who are taking more than one course at a time.  I enjoy being active and dabble in ½ marathons and sprint triathlons.  My husband Vince, and I are avid campers and always spend a part of the summer hiking in the White Mountains in New Hampshire.

I have 5 children (3 daughters and 2 step-sons) who are in various stages of university degrees. They represent Acadia, Queen’s, Ottawa U, Bishop’s and RMC and we have attended a convocation, every year for the past 3 years and there is no sign of it letting up. I am lucky to have a good director who lets me take off each year. By the way, Acadia so far has had the most amazing reception.

I am looking forward to learning with all of you.


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