I’m in 7th heaven!
Meet the “7 Things You Should Know About Navigating the New Learning Ecosystem” page …amongst many others. If you haven’t already checked it out, take a look! Although aimed at higher education, this 2 page summary argument about navigating the new learning ecosystem includes brief sections on a real-life scenerio, “what it is”, “how it works”, “who’s doing it”, “why its significant”, “what are the downsides”, “where it is going”, and “what are the implications for teaching and learning”. If you have ever wondered, how does this educational technology work for real, don’t miss their scenario section which provides a contextual description of this emerging technology in real teaching learning situations. Each section is clear, easy to read, and you don’t have to be a digital native to understand their meaning.
Just so you have a picture….When you first go to this site, it has a running list of the most recent technologies and practices that this non-profit organization’s advisory group deems emerging and promising for learning in higher education. Upon clicking onto any of these links, you are directed to an abstract page consisting of a quick description of the brief and a link to the full summary in addition to links to relevant tag words that will take you to other related resources. This enables viewers to quickly scan and decide if this is a technology they want to delve into deeper, or if they would prefer to skip onto another one.
But wait, there is still more! This Educause Learning Initiative is truly unique in that it also links to related articles, forums, presentations, seminars, videos, podcasts etc., on the emerging edge of the topic, dated, rated and reviewed by viewers like yourselves. You can listen to a seminar or presentation on learning ecosystems from last month, read an article published last week, discuss a presentation with other members, and feel like you’re in touch with the most dynamic experts in the field. It is an amazing and fun site and you may be awed like I was when watching a recorded classroom discussion with experts, instructors and administration utilizing collaborative cloud tools….which taped just a few weeks ago. And if you are interested in other relevant technology, it is just a link away. Don’t miss out on this site, it is a gem!
As to the potential benefits to the broader community of educators and venturers, one should note that the membership within this organization is expansive including more than 2200 colleges, 250 corporations and 17,000 individual members. Their goal is to help inform how to use these emerging resources to the best advantage. Whether you are a teacher, instructor, or venturer, this site will provide valuable information that will enable you to see multiple sides of an emerging technology. Although this is not a site directed at business, the fact that 250 corporations are members suggests that the information offered on this site has venture value. This venture value comes from having first hand insight into what educators are experiencing and feeling about different emerging technologies, what gaps or issues exist and where they think the technology should go. Thank-you Educause for all that I have taught me so far and all you will teach me in the future. Please go to this site and spend a little time, you won’t regret it.
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mariefrancehetu 4:10 pm on May 17, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You have convinced me to further peruse this website, particularly because it is about what seems promising for higher learning and teaching. I also like the fact that they are a not for profit group, which means they are less likely to be biased.
I am also pleased with the fact that they provide links that allow you to delve deeper if you find something of interest. I also find it impressive that 250 corporations are members and it could indeed give me ideas for a future venture.
Thanks for offering such a good review!
mackenzie 3:48 pm on May 18, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Marie-France,
You make some excellent points about their non-profit status and corporate membership. This definitely ups their credibility quotient, not to mention their many other resources are from real-people’s experiences utilizing and developing uses for these various technologies.
Cheers, Steve
janetb 4:32 pm on May 17, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I reviewed an article from this site as well and was very impressed. It would DEFINITELY be very helpful for anyone just beginning to implement new technology or to learn about what is available. As you outlined, I liked the link to the abstract and then the whole article – the scenarios gave context and the length (two pages) was attractive for quick info without overload, but if you want more the links are there. I will definitely use it again.
mackenzie 3:55 pm on May 18, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Janet,
It sounds like you haven’t checkout some of their seminar or discussion videos. I know I might sound like a broken record, but they are really cool! You should check them out. The brief summary is just the beginning.
Cheers, Steve
HJDeW 8:31 pm on May 17, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for the enthusiastic ‘pitch’ to visit the site. I have used some of the ‘7 Things’ tip sheets as ‘tech teasers’ in the past and have found them valuable sources of information for educators who want to keep informed but have little time to manage longer readings or highly technical reports. I have not tapped into the extensive offering of other resources before so will keep this in mind.
mackenzie 3:52 pm on May 18, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Helen,
I was dreading writing this review, as its not my forte. But once I delved back into the site and started watching some of the videos, my excitement took over. Sorry if it was a little over the top. After reading Gillians analysis, I realized that I didn’t critique it, I promoted it. However, it did have alot of fun doing it!
Cheers, Steve
gillian 11:49 am on May 19, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Steve,
Nothing wrong with a little excitement! I enjoyed the enthusiasm of your piece – it certainly kept me engaged. The fact that the 7 things … series is contained within the EDUCAUSE’s website is perhaps its best feature, for after you have read the concise 2 page review, there are so many other options for further research within the site itself.
Denise 4:19 am on May 20, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
HI Steve,
I agree with your enthusiasm too. I think the 7 Things site is fantastic for all the reasons oyu identified!