Malamed – Learning Technology Trends to Watch in 2012
The article written by Connie Malamed provides a succinct overview of what some people may consider the newest and emerging trends for educational technology.
Malamed provides the reader with a consistent reminder of the value of her trending technology towards educators and education. This is important for those reading this with teaching practice in mind, however, there is little detail posted about the actual technology itself and major companies, theorist or services available in each sector. The details she does include in the report are limited, perhaps this is purposeful to keep the reader’s attention from drifting with too much detail, but more examples would be helpful for the average educational professional as a place to start.
It is refreshing to read in this article trends discussed as concepts rather than services. For example, Malamed explains the concept of flipped learning, but does not align herself with an individual program or web service. This is important for readers as it allows the concepts equal the trends rather than specific programs of services.
This report is very easy to read and understand and does hold a lot of value for the readers in its delivery of concepts as the trends for learning technologies. I feel comfortable in recommending this report to others for these reasons.
Malamed, C. (2011). Learning technology trends to watch in 2012: The eLearning Coach. The eLearning Coach. Retrieved May 16, 2012, from
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Claire Burgoyne 10:42 pm on May 20, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Kenton,
I think you make an important point when you note that “concepts rather than services” are discussed. Who’s offering the service is definitely secondary to what the options are and their potential uses in education.