Welcome to W3: Analyst’s Bootcamp

And Happy Victoria Day for those celebrating!

I enjoyed your critical commentary on the reports, predictions and analyses about the future of global learning technologies marketplaces.

What I hoped everyone could take away from this effort is that the horizon is maddeningly rich and vibrant, and that nobody “owns” it. Whether brave individuals or high-priced research conglomerates, the trend-spotters don’t have compellingly clear crystal balls.  In other words, your own intuition and experience has as much real value as other sources.  It is important to find and review sets of sources you ‘trust’, but you never need to feel that you could never win because you’re not part of some exclusive club that knows what is going to happen next.

In this coming week we’ll continue to refine analytical skills by breaking down the essential ingredients of a credible venture pitch.  The idea is that be reviewing how pitches fail, you’ll be in a better position to compose one that might not!

Let’s see!


Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp