W5 BlogKudos
Thanks so much to the W5 team for launching us into the emerging markets universe and setting a high bar for those that follow!
Just a reminder that your A1 is due shortly and that I’m available for any questions you might have surrounding your delivery of this. Please email your A1 to me directly and I’ll respond when I’ve received it.
Posted in: Announcements, Emerging Markets Poll, Week 05:
mariefrancehetu 2:54 am on June 16, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello David,
I have several questions conerning the formatting for assignment 1:
– Are we expected to use APA style?
– Is it possible to have some point form (bullets) within the venture analysis?
– Also, is it possible to include links directly embedded in the analysis?
– Are footnotes acceptable, or are you expecting traditional referencing?
Thank you so much,
David Vogt 6:59 am on June 16, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Marie-France –
Thanks for asking.
You may use APA style, but it is not necessary. Your objective is to compose and format A1 in whatever style that best conveys the integrity and force of your analysis. So bullet points, links, footnotes, etc, are all fine. Your analysis could also be a text-free video if it conveys your message well.
Good luck!