In retrospect
Hello, This has been an overall great learning journey . . . I learned much about learning ventures (fictional and real) and felt there were brilliant ventures out there I would love to add to my technological tool box. The highlight of the course, in my opinion, were the OER’s; I really enjoyed viewing, participating and communicating […]
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Meggan Crawford 8:19 pm on August 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Marie-France,
I like your adjustment of the OERs to get extra time for feedback on the pitches. I definitely agree that this adjustment would be helpful and everyone would still be able to engage with all of the OERs. It also might help to keep people fully engaged with each OER, as it felt as though people were more focused on their pitches than the OERs in the last few weeks.
Good thinking!
mariefrancehetu 12:21 pm on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Meggan,
Thanks for responding . . . It is a bit normal to concentrate on the pitches as they require quite a bit of time to create, so it would be nice to have extra time to work on them without feeling the need to cut back on OER participation.
I think the idea of gathering constructive criticism in an open forum at the end of a course is daring and useful. I think all MET courses should do this, there is always room for improvement and to get a learner’s point of view is a great way to improve the learning experience from course to course.
Denise 12:56 am on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Marie-france,
i agree about your comments about the community of practice.
I can see some benefit in your suggestion about the OERs and more time for pitches, but I also wonder what the benefit of sprucing up the pitches for final submit would be (apart from better marks?) . I have learnt a lot from people’s comments and seeing other pitches . What I would suggest rather than more time revising the pitches that we submit the pitch reflection after the week of feedback and reflect on what we noticed when we posted, what we learnt from other people’s comments and other pitches and then outline changes we would make.
mariefrancehetu 12:28 pm on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Denise,
I think that if the peer evaluation is part of the project it would really make it more ‘real’. In real life one would never launch a venture pitch unless it has been seen by an audience willing to give you feedback. Whether you actually get a better mark or not is irrelevant, but the creation process is more complete if you include a peer review that allows you to make changes (or not) to your presentation.
I like your idea of reflecting on what we learnt from peers’ comments, and instead we could say or outline the changes we did make.
Denise 4:11 am on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
HI Marie-france,
I don’t think we are disagreeing. I absolutely agree – peer evaluaiton has been incredibly important – I am just not sure I would want to redo my pitches (esp as they are hypothetical). The advantage of the reflection after viewing everyone else’s pitch and feedback is that is integrates it all without the need to redo the pitches.
toddpowell 10:51 am on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I really appreciated your comments on the communication and postings. I found it difficult if I wanted to be in a “discussion thread” with someone, who had posted a day previous. There were so many posted after, that I know that the individual who I was aiming at wouldn’t be reading mine.
gillian 10:54 am on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Some very constructive ideas. I think overall an overall message is emerging through yours and others’ suggestions is the missed opportunity to engage more fully in a community of practice.
mariefrancehetu 12:29 pm on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hello Gillian,
Any suggestions on how to improve or increase opportunities to engage more fully in a community of practice?
gillian 2:18 pm on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I have mentioned a few in my own post above yours, but I think the best opportunity is one mentioned by others and that is the opportunity for peer feedback on assignments.
Dennis Pratt 3:15 pm on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I agree that a category needs to be mandatory as I submitted a post and then realized it was not in the proper category. Once I figured out how to switch it over some of the editing was changed and there was no way to change it back.
Good suggestion!