Course wrap up
I found ETEC 522 quite challenging yet extremely helpful for my daily work. The course content and interactivities along with venture pitches and the experience shared by all, furthered my understanding of ventures in educational technology and gave me some really good “food for thought”. In addition to improvements around navigation and usability that have […]
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Dave Horn 8:16 pm on August 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I agree that having had the opportunity to get feedback earlier on our pitches would have been really useful for producing a better end product.
Denise 4:15 am on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Leonora,
I like the idea of doing the pitches earlier. But…..mine and other people’s pitches related to OER that people had done and the disadvantage would be that we might not be able to integrate this new learning if the pitches were too early.
Leonora Zefi 6:48 am on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thank you for your responses Denise and Dave,
I feel that the process of going through the experience is very important and going through that process more than once would have been helpful for the learning and for developing a viable venture pitch.
ping 1:49 pm on August 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Leonora,
Totally agree with you that we should start early to prepare the elevator pitch. I have little concept of what the pitch should be like, even after watching the Pitch Polls. I realized my problems soon after I launched the pitch in the forum. So it there were a few days left the result would be improved better.