Mind Maps
Thank you to everyone in the Visual Intensive Learning group for a thorough overview of concept mapping! I first encountered mind mapping in my teacher training seminar several years ago and could not really understand the advantage, since the idea seemed a bit unruly for me. Having used them more recently, though, I’m appreciating them […]
Continue reading Mind Maps Posted in: Week 09: Visual-Intensive Learning
Leonora Zefi 5:10 pm on July 7, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Danielle,
Thank you for the very interesting sites on map shock and graphic design. I had never heard of the term “map shock” but I have surely experienced it in a number of cases 🙂
While I can see how the ideas flow and sometimes it’s a challenge to stop the process, I agree with your description of a good as being able to interpret with “relative ease” and “clear links between ideas”.