Dennis Pratt

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  • Dennis Pratt 3:06 pm on August 4, 2012
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    I was quite happy to see that this course was not going to be heavily based on postings and comments as my last course had over 6000 submissions and felt overwhelmed by the amount of reading and writing. I did find, however, that each blogging platform used throughout the course had positive and negative characteristics. […]

    Continue reading Participation Suggestions Posted in: Uncategorized
    • gillian 10:22 am on August 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I do agree that the quality of postings did seem higher than in other courses (I am sure many of those 6000 posts were “thanks” and emoticons). As I felt that there were less opportunities to participate, I felt pressure to ensure I made the most of the opportunities I did have.

  • Dennis Pratt 9:53 pm on July 28, 2012
    -1 votes

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    Welcome to SAFETY TRAINING FOR YOUTH. As a construction teacher and MET student I am in the right position to help digitalize construction teaching. Watch the elevator pitch and visit my venture pitch and reflection in Google Docs. I think you will see my passion and desire to see safety improved in construction classes. *photos […]

    Continue reading Welcome to SAFETY TRAINING FOR YOUTH. As… Posted in: Uncategorized, Venture Forum
    • Jody McKinnon 4:17 pm on July 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      HI Dennis. I think you are on to something here. Your idea is a great one and I would hope that it would be developed and implemented immediately. Safety is our number one goal and I think that by putting in a digital form, you could probably catch your audience’s attention even more so. In fact, it might be fun to make safety videos with your students to add to your collection of legit safety videos. The idea seems very solid and could easily be sold or given to other jurisdictions as you have stated, it’s a not for profit idea. I didn’t see or hear anything about your CEO and Team so I couldn’t comment on that. Overall, I think it is a great idea that should be pursued immediately, if not sooner.


      • Dennis Pratt 2:34 pm on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        I can’t wait to get going on the project and plan to initiate it this year over my last two courses. I had a hard time thinking of myself as a CEO for this venture as I do plan on organizing it but don’t know what kind of money will be involved to get it off the ground or see it through until the end. I tried to just mention my credentials and leave it at that. I think many people find it difficult to talk about themselves or sell themselves to others.

        I appreciate the feedback as it is sometimes hard to come by, even amongst your colleagues.



    • Yves Mainville 11:21 am on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      Solid elevator pitch and quite relevant. I think it is very ‘à propos’ in current educational circles and the ministry’s push into trades.
      I like the mobile accessibility of the product.
      I would like to hear more about the competition and the market before investing however. Being somewhat familiar with this area, I think strategic partnerships will be key as well.

      Well done.

      • Dennis Pratt 2:28 pm on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        I like your idea of strategic partnerships as the initial networking would be more work but it would pay off quickly. As for the competition, I did not touch on it as much as I could have, mostly because there is not much available for youth specific training. There are a few websites put out by the government but they are mostly text and aimed at older youth. I can see this project aligning with Occupational Health and Safety at the provincial level and maybe even getting some government funding through them to develop quality resources.



    • dmcinnes 1:59 pm on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      It sounds like a good concept. I can imagine how difficult it is to get all the students on the “same page” when many are absent on days that proper operation of tools, or safety demonstrations are conducted. What I wonder about though is how relevant will the videos/apps be when different shops use different tools, and various brands of tools? Also, is there a convention of set standards across Canada or does it vary province to province? Are the differences slight enough that it wouldn’t matter? I wonder if it might become a bit of a hodge podge with some manufacturers videos, some of your own. Would your identity/branding get lost in the shuffle?
      Overall well done.
      David McInnes

      • Dennis Pratt 2:24 pm on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        Thanks for the feedback and I have the same concerns myself. Most of the construction labs have a basic set of tools and that is where I will start with the simulations and videos. After that set is done I would branch off and specialize into tools that are less common. I can see the library growing and evolving with time. I really like what the Khan Academy has done with their library of videos and would try to do something similar over the years that I am teaching. Eventually I would like to get others involved, maybe through a contest so I am not the only one producing professional quality videos and simulations. For the most part there are similarities between most machinery and that is a great starting point.



    • dmcinnes 2:00 pm on July 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      p.s. I forgot to add that I think Workers Compensation Board might really get behind a project like this. Maybe some funding would be available.

    • kimnoel 1:16 pm on August 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      Nice pitch and a very relevant venture idea. I love the app idea and I think that this could be something other than a “not-for-profit”! Didn’t hear anything about the company or team, but I think you should run with this (hopefully all the way to the bank!) 🙂

      Great job – Good Luck!
      Smiles, Kim

    • Danielle 2:32 pm on August 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      Great idea for a venture! I also like your elevator pitch. How you personally introduce the idea and follow up with examples is quite effective . As an investor, I would probably want to see more information about your marketing strategy, championship, and the competition. However, I think the venture speaks for itself and certainly has the potential of taking off. Well done!


    • jtpatry 11:06 am on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      Great idea for a venture concept in the hands on construction learning environment. Safety is always key in these types of environments and by having a mobile app with video data banks to refer back to or engage with prior to using machinery is a great idea. Getting the students involved with the venture would be a great idea as that someone mentioned above!

      Thanks for sharing!


    • mackenzie 4:31 pm on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I liked the elevator pitch it showed your problem and your solution. It caused me to look at you venture pitch more thoroughly. I liked the simulation idea but wonder if simulations are the way to go with such a hands on topic. I like the PHET simulations for physics and find them very useful and they save me large amounts of time with lab set up and take down. I would love to actually see one of these simulations since PHET was set up with nobel peach prize money.

      • Dennis Pratt 8:51 pm on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Yes, the simulations and videos will be where most of the money goes. I would have a laptop or iPad set up like a kiosk where students can go to reference the machines they are supposed to know before they operate them. They would have to complete the simulations successfully a few times before getting on the actual equipment.

        Thanks for the response.


    • Bridget 5:53 pm on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      Thank you for sharing your pitches and after reviewing your elevator pitch I have the follow comments.

      I like the way that you video-taped yourself in front of the tool bench since this immediately gave me an idea of what you would be talking about. I also found the pictures to be effective especially the x-ray.

      As a time saver, videos are a great idea and work well within the realm of a flipped-classroom concept but I am not certain that they need to be recreated since a selection of safety videos already exist on the internet. I would have to weigh the value of the time and money spent reproducing these videos. If there is a reason for them to be specific it was not evident in the elevator pitch.


      • Dennis Pratt 8:55 pm on August 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        I struggled getting everything into the elevator pitch as time seemed to go way to fast. I would have to produce new videos, for the most part, that target youth specifically. The safety videos that are available are mostly created for industry and adults. Youth need more focus and reminders about what the main points are.

        The best example I can think of is Bill Nye. He creates amazing video about science that are created specifically for kids. If you have ever seen him speak to adults he is not so animated or exciting as he does not have to be.


    • sheza 7:54 pm on August 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      I think you have a great idea here. There is a huge push in all districts, provinces and many workplaces that deal with the trades to hire people who are well-trained on the safety of working with machinery. I liked the simple and straight-forward nature of your elevator pitch, though it would have been good to see some more aggressive marketing to an investor in there. I think you could effectively pitch this venture to the WHIMS Board or as you mention in your venture pitch, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety because your product could fill in the gaps left by their guidelines.

      I especially like the fact that your product will consist of simulations that students go through to learn about the machinery and the safety precautions to take in using it – this is a feature that will give you a competitive edge over other safety resources available online. Launching this product as an app is also a great way to reach youth.

      I think that their is viability in this venture and that you should pursue it! I would be interested in investing after seeing a more clearly worked out business plan.

      All the best,


    • Hussain Luaibi 12:21 pm on August 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Dennis
      Your project has potential success in it. What makes it so is the fact that you are highlighting an important factor in the field training and education: safety. In spite of the fact that you didn’t refer to the CEO and the team working with him, your project is still outstanding in terms of potential profitability. I think your idea can be a great haven for a lot of vocational institutes and schools due to the practicality of the project.
      As for investing in your project, well, I would love to do it of course after considering the rivals of such idea.
      You need to keep on to make it a real one and not only a 522 assignment.
      Great job

    • toddpowell 10:51 pm on August 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I have had many conversations with my school’s shop teacher about many of the same issues that you are highlighting. There is a great need for your project, and I would love to see this available in the future!


  • Dennis Pratt 3:42 pm on July 4, 2012
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    Tags: , week 9   

    Hello Group 9; I have to admit that I have not used mind mapping much as a student or as a teacher, even though I have been introduced to it a number of times by different people.  ETEC 512 was one of the first times I really had to hash out a comprehensive mind map […]

    Continue reading Mind Mapping as a Tool Posted in: Week 09: Visual-Intensive Learning
    • danishaw 8:53 am on July 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Dennis: I also have used Prezi’s as a learning activity within my Technology Education grade 10 class. The ability to integrate video, audio, and text in interesting and appealing formats does enhance the learning environment. By providing students with the opportunities to use such software to expand their thinking and reasoning skills, they are gaining a technological competency needed within the 21st century market.


  • Dennis Pratt 6:57 pm on June 25, 2012
    0 votes

    From Leonora, Jon, Dennis, Tim and Kenton, we thank those that participated in our presentation on Cloud-Based Learning Management Systems over this last week. We feel cloud computing will be a major part of our future, even with some drawbacks (that we are now aware of and ready to handle). We appreciate the honest discussion […]

    Continue reading Thank-You from Week 7: Cloud-Based Learning Management Systems Posted in: Week 07: Learning in the Cloud
  • Dennis Pratt 9:33 pm on May 30, 2012
    0 votes

      *picture from Forbes Magazine October 05, 2009 I chose to look at David Martin as he invented a learning tool that I use every day but do not know the history behind it. The invention worked by using resistive technology to manipulate a board hooked up to a projector. They have now moved on […]

    Continue reading David Martin- SMART Technologies Co-Founder and Chairman Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • vawells 10:01 am on May 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis
      Thanks for for this informative piece. Schools in NL have also invested heavily in Smart Technology products. Unfortunately when the tender ran its course and it was re-tendered Team Boards were awarded the contract. Team Boards are approximately half the cost of a Smart Board. However I now have one of each in my classroom and the Smart Board far out performs the Team Board.


      • Dennis Pratt 8:17 pm on May 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        Good to know as we continue to use SMART Boards in all our classrooms. I don’t love Notebook but everything seems to work just fine. I am glad we are not juggling different types of boards as that would be a struggle to learn a new system for every classroom I might be in. I was at a PD where one teacher was quite bothered that the Calgary school board had an exclusive licence with Smart Technologies while he wanted to run a Promethean board in his room. He was not allowed by the agreement. I hope we are not in an agreement like that, especially as better technology comes along.


    • chrisaitken 10:26 am on May 31, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      SMART Technologies has been quite successful in securing large portions of educational technology budgets in Canada. They somehow marketed their interactive whiteboard to be an essential piece of equipment and even a symbol of the modern school.

    • shawn harris 10:30 am on June 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Good summary Dennis,
      Having viewed the SMART site, it has further enlightened me about the essential use in the field of education and likewise businesses. It certainly has its place and plays a significant role in this growing technological era.
      SMART is the world’s leading provider of interactive whiteboard. However it is quite unfortunate that it is not a low cost learning technology. I personally like SMART as it is quite interactive and user friendly and it also gives me the tools for effective collaboration. It has a universal appeal and is indeed a great choice for virtually any environment.
      From viewing the site, David Martin and Nancy Knowles seem to have a passion for children and education and have pulled it together as a great team. Other team members also oversee the success of the product since its inception. Innovation and commitment to excellence have been at the core of the SMART board business.
      The product has a great reputation and is spreading very fast in developing countries as well. I am impressed by their idea or their mission to help educators achieve better results with technology products that support student-centered learning. In addition they also help business become more productive with easy-to-use collaboration solutions that enable better results. They are committed in that aspect, hence the success of the product as they are moving in the right direction.

      ~ Shawn

      • Dennis Pratt 1:36 pm on June 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        I have heard from many sources that there are cheaper and better interactive whiteboards available but they have not corned the market like SMART Technologies has. I have found in teaching and in construction that paying for quality pays off in the long run. If we invest wisely in quality products the time that they serve us well is increased. There is nothing more frustrating than having to deal with technological glitches when trying to deliver content. We have all been there, though.

        I also like that SMART Technologies is a Canadian company and succeeds in the global market.


        • Denise 3:54 am on June 3, 2012 | Log in to Reply

          HI Dennis,

          Many of those cheaper alternatives are also offering more transportable options eg Mimio, eBeam. Just recently we purchased eBeam and someone who came along for the visit convinced their company to change from Smartboard to this technology.
          I gues SMART created the disruptive innovation and other companies are developing more sustaining innovations based on this.


    • gillian 10:21 am on June 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      It is unfortunate that sales have dropped with the recent economic downturn – especially in the US. When will the holders of the purse strings learn that is in times of economic troubles that investment in education is all the more important?

      • Dennis Pratt 6:27 pm on June 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Yes, through the reading I was doing on the company I found that SMART Tech’s stock has dropped about 90% in the last 2 years, since it went public, even with huge sales. With that and Facebook’s flop I would be quite hesitant to invest in any software company. Things change so fast in the tech market.


    • Bridget 7:22 am on June 3, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,
      Thanks for a great review.
      Mrs. Knowlton is from a beautiful town of Quebec…..interestingly enough named Knowlton. In 2006 she showed support of her alma mater and donated $66 000 to technology enhancement in the region. She designated Four SMART Board interactive whiteboards to Knowlton Academy (365 students) , her old elementary school. They were the envy of the area:) We had 1 for 1000 students at the time and it was allocated to the special ed class…and the teacher didn’t want to use it. The rest of us weren’t allowed….love the bureaucracy.
      The Quebec government recently earmarked over $200 Million (over 5 years) for SMART Boards in the last budget. I heard the many needed to be installed by June ……the rush is on.

  • Dennis Pratt 6:19 pm on May 18, 2012
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    It seems easy to look back in time and see how educational technology was implemented into our schools and our personal lives. Making predictions for the future year may not be just that easy. Dawson (2010), a teacher and writer, predicted five ideas that would give students choice in education during the year of 2011. […]

    Continue reading Dawson’s Top 10 Ed Tech Predictions Posted in: Uncategorized
    • karonw 10:30 pm on May 18, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. The tablets, iPads, laptops, digital cameras and etc are definitely more and more popular for class use nowadays. I recall reading an article about students using digital cameras for science labs to take pictures during the process and then the students use those pictures to document their lab reports. These students resulted in writing better lab reports in comparison to those who didn’t use the digital camera.

      I think that you pointed out a very important point in your post and that is to have educators work closely with technology companies in identifying what the needs are for the students and teachers and design something that would further support that rather than go the other way around and have us follow the trend. Great post indeed, keep up the good work!


      • Dennis Pratt 5:09 pm on May 19, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        It seems as though some of our current devices can do it all. Video, pictures, voice recordings, text, email, and present. Should we make more use of them in the classroom? This is a debate I am about to get into at our school and I still don’t know where I sit on it.

        Any ideas?


        • Hussain Luaibi 12:47 am on May 20, 2012 | Log in to Reply

          Hello Dennis
          These educational tools can be used if they prompt the students to be interactive and responsive to them in a constructive way. But as far as I know there is no specific answer for your question. It all depends on the structure of the curriculum and whether it allows educators the use of technology tools in class.
          take care

    • Danielle 2:02 am on May 19, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      I am not sure I have had a chance to say hello to you! So hello! And nice to see you here!

      Making predictions about learning technologies is a risky business, especially when hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent to roll out what is meant to be the latest and most innovative tools to enhance learning. Along with these investments come issues with security and privacy (both online and with the devices themselves), bandwidth, tech support and the distractions they may bring to the classroom, to name a few.

      I think we are in the same boat as you are in terms of iPad implementation. There are those who are already setting learning goals and objectives while others are just going to play it by ear next semester. To each their own I suppose. But as Dawson (2010) points out, the implementation of new learning technologies need to be learning initiatives, not tech initiatives, though I sometimes think that many tech initiatives, as least in my experience, are disguised as learning initiatives. The interesting thing is the lack of complaints about this! And those who do complain are often those who are already wholeheartedly against technology in education.


      • Dennis Pratt 5:02 pm on May 19, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        “As Dawson (2010) points out, the implementation of new learning technologies need to be learning initiatives, not tech initiatives.”

        I picked this up from the article as well. Technology is often used for its novelty, not because it is the best or easiest tool to use. As we push for 21st Century skills we have to be careful to “not throw the baby out with the bath water.” Some of the best tools are the simplest tools.

        Thanks for your comments!


    • gillian 10:27 am on May 19, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,
      I appreciated your candor and references to personal experience in your critique. While I can see the flaws in many of these reviews and predicitons, I certainly wouldn’t want the task of making them. Like you, I find keeping up to date with the tech world too overwhelming and defer to others when it comes to market trends. However, I would consider myself an early adopter when it comes to using tech in my practice only because schools are so far behind the marketplace that targets them.

      • Dennis Pratt 5:06 pm on May 19, 2012 | Log in to Reply


        We are finding that teachers and students often have much better and newer technology than schools. This poses the larger question of whether schools should be responsible for providing students with technology or should they follow a bring your own device model? I have heard comments about how students will use whatever is newest, whether it be their own device or a school device.

        Any thoughts?


  • Dennis Pratt 2:22 pm on May 7, 2012
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    I am Dennis Pratt, and this is my 8th course in the MET program, so I am seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. I teach junior high construction and a little bit of computers. I am happy to report that I have been asked to coordinate the technology effort in our school for […]

    Continue reading I am Dennis Pratt, and this is my 8th co… Posted in: Uncategorized
    • Leonora Zefi 5:52 pm on May 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Good to work with you again Dennis.
      I am sure it will be a great semester.

    • Donna Forward 8:55 pm on May 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hello Dennis,

      It’s great to see that the MET courses are really helping people out with their teaching careers. I’m looking forward to working with you in this course.

    • Kenton Hemsing 9:31 am on May 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      It is nice to see you again! I am looking forward to working with you again, it sounds like this class is going to be a lot different than any other I have seen so far in the program.

      • Dennis Pratt 9:04 pm on May 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hey Kenton;

        You are one of the few people I can do face-to-face group work with. Just 15 minutes away from Ellerslie. Hope to have a great term.

    • HJDeW 8:12 pm on May 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Dennis, nice to see you along for this adventure. Good to have the chance to learn along with you again.
      Helen DW

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