Hello Team 523!

“Be open to adjustments. There’s nothing about this current moment in history that allows for stubbornness.”

~ Unknown

My name is Jamie and I am an academic advisor in The UBC Sauder School of Business. I have been with Sauder for 15 years and I have witnessed some dramatic changes in how we deliver our courses and services – especially in the last 60 days. This is my eighth course in the MET program. I am in MET because in 2013, I attended an international advising conference at Maastricht University in the Netherlands and I was deeply impressed with how my counterparts in Europe and the USA distributed and collected important information from students using technology. Since then I have made it my goal to advance Sauder’s student support services through education technology.

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11 responses to “Hello Team 523!”

  1. Lyon Tsang

    Jamie — good to see you here !!!

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  2. Pei

    Hi Jamie, it’s nice meeting a fellow academic advisor! I must say that I was really skeptical about using technology in advising because we always talk about building rapport and trust, which back then, were not things I think would be easily achievable with the use of technology. I took a course on technology in advising last year and that totally changed my view!
    Looking forward to learning with you in this course!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. JamieTooze

      Hi Pei,

      It is a pleasure to meet you too. I agree times are changing so quickly and we must too – even advice givers. During my time in MET hope to learn innovative ways to more effectively connect with my students through all variety of new technologies. We have to take our message to them – where they interact. In addition to my general advising responsibilities I am also the coordinator of Sauder’s Combined Major in Business and Computer Science and I truly believe I work with some of the most amazing students in the country. Actually they were the ones that inspired me to join the MET program but it is my two girls, and the thought of their future relationship with technology, that keeps me going.
      I look forward to working with you as well. It would be great to come away with a mobile advising tool!

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  3. carla pretorius

    Hi Jamie! I love the quote, it reminded me a little about a poem I came across the other day (maybe you know it, I don’t normally read poems or listen to others reading them, not at least since I left school, I’m not one for the languages but this one really struck me, maybe it’s just the times we live in that’s made it more impactful- https://youtu.be/CaVaF6TkSUU.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. JamieTooze

      Hi Carla,
      It is great to see you again. I really enjoyed reading your discussion posts in ETEC 512 – does that ever seem like a lifetime ago. Thank you for sharing the poem. I loved it. It had a special resonance for me during these uncertain times.

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. Mel Drake

    Hello Jamie! Loved your work in Digital Games and look forward to learning alongside you in this course.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. JamieTooze

      Hi Mel. Thank you! I loved the work you and your team put together as well. I was sad to see that the Mattermost “team” for ETEC 565D was no longer active. It is a shame there isn’t a repository for all that work. In that sense the legacy model of this course is very appealing.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. Mel Drake

        I know! I’m glad I played the adulting game before I lost the link forever. Everyone’s projects were so fantastic.

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        1. carla pretorius

          Hi Mel, I was just reading over the posts and yours piqued my interest. Do I even want to know that the adulting game was? Can you expand on this?

          ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  5. kristin garratt

    Hey Jamie!

    It’s great to have another course with you. I’m pretty excited about what this course has to offer. “Be open to adjustments.” That has absolutely been my catchphrase with my students over the past few months.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. JamieTooze


      Wow!! All we need to do is convince Shur and Jiri to join us and we can get the band back together! Did you know Shur is in Vancouver now? I had a great chat with Mark recently and tried to get him to speak to my faculty about the challenges of navigating collegiate-culture when rapidly transitioning to online learning but alas Mark is largely retired now. Great to see you and I really look forward to working with you in this course too.
      Enjoy your long weekend!

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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