Howdy from South Surrey

Hey there! My name is Greg Patton and I’m a Vice Principal in the New Westminster School District. This is my 3rd MET course and first course I’ve ever tried to manage on my phone… my daughter will help me out, she’s always on the thing. I make sure to keep myself sane in these crazy times by riding bikes down trails as fast as I can and hoping I don’t crash (or hit my head on logs like above). It’s been a pretty remarkable year; if you’d said to me that I would be helping teachers manage our school in online learning, loaning out technology to close to a thousand students, and liaising with BC housing about the homeless shelter they put in one of our gyms I would have asked the bartender for one of whatever you’re drinking… but here we are and we keep adapting and managing our way through it all. I’m looking forward to working with everyone in this course and seeing how this all plays out. Here’s to keeping the rubber side down!

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3 responses to “Howdy from South Surrey”

  1. Juliano Ng

    Hi Greg!

    Glad to see that you’re in this course too!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. wilhelmenia shackleford

    Hi Greg! Nice to see you are part of this course.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Binal Khakharia

    Hi there! Didn’t know you were doing this too!!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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