A1 Augmented Reality Life Print

Originally posted by raymond kline on October 13, 2019

For my assignment, I chose to examine augmented reality and some of its benefits for education. I looked at the Lifeprint app and how it could be used in a classroom.


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One response to “A1 Augmented Reality Life Print”

  1. Ceci Z.

    The concept of Augmented Reality is so new to me. This post definitely gives me some ideas of how AR can be used in education. I was particularly drawn to the connection the author made between AR and the First Peoples Principles of Learning. Kline writes, “Two principles from the First Peoples Principles of Learning are: 1. learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place). 2. learning is embedded in memory, history and story. Augmented reality apps can assist in linking learning to place, an important aspect in making learning personal and relevant to the learner”.

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