Teach From Home (with Google)

“Giving teachers and families the tools and tips they need to helpĀ keep students learning.”


I’m sure that many of you have already seen the site linked to above (I’ve been spammed with it on Twitter recently, but I know that many do not use that platform), but I still thought it was worth posting here to bookmark for the class. To draw you into the site, I’ve included the promo video:

thanks you, teachers. Thank you times infinity.

This site guides teachers, students and families through the Google Suite for Education products, acting as a single resource for any questions that you might have related to video calls, managing a virtual classroom, engaging students, making connections, and increasing accessibility to lessons.

Personally, the G Suite tools have been an absolute life-saver to me as I teach remotely. Even so, there is still so much for me to learn. With three weeks to go in the school year, I likely won’t be trying anything new at this point, but I will definitely be using this resource over the summer to brush up on my familiarity with all the different functionalities that Google has to offer. With the uncertainty of how schooling will look like come September, it can’t hurt to better understand all the tools at my disposal.

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One response to “Teach From Home (with Google)”

  1. erin duchesne

    I could not have successfully taught online without Google Suite! Everything is interconnected and found in one hub which makes it easy, not only for myself to navigate, but more importantly parents and students. There are so many great google apps, but it can also be overwhelming and difficult to use each app to it’s fullest effect if you are not familiar with their in-depth functions. A few years ago I became a Google Certified Educator where I studies and learned how to properly use each app in the Google Suite and it has helped me to make the most use out of each application. You can find more information here https://edu.google.com/teacher-center/certifications/?modal_active=none

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