Greetings from Nini Mao

Hello everyone, my name is Nini Mao. I am a new student at MET, and this is my first semester and first course. I grew up in Beijing, China, and moved to BC Canada two years ago. I have been working in financial education field for over 20 years since I graduated with my MBA. I am now running my financial literacy education company based in China remotely from BC. Educational technology is an unavoidable trend, even for a trainer/entrepreneur at my age :-P. Mobile technology is a huge challenge for me. I hope I would catch up with all the advanced technologies and applications in this program, and apply what I learned to my education business.

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3 responses to “Greetings from Nini Mao”

  1. Wynn Zhang

    Hi Nini. Nice to meet you! I completely agree that Ed Tech is so important for all sectors. It would be really cool to hear how you can connect your experiences of a different culture to Ed Tech.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. johannes dirk wielenga

    Hey Nini, nice to meet you. It’s great to hear that you just started your journey in the MET program, I hope you come to value and enjoy it as much as I have been. I echo Lori’s advice above – and here is the link for the FB group

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. LoriMeville

    Hi Nini. Welcome to MET. When I was a new MET student, the best thing I did was talk to and do group projects with those who have been here awhile. Join the MET Facebook group, ask questions, and don’t worry about what people think – chances are someone’s wondering the same thing. This seems like a great course to start with. I’m looking forward to working with you.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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