Hello – Michael Meroniuk

Hello everyone, my name is Michael Meroniuk, I’m currently teaching music education at a public fine arts school in Vancouver B.C. Before COVID arrived and struck havoc on what one would consider a normal life, I spent my time performing music and touring around the world with various bands. However, I’m really fortunate to have the job I do actually love it! I’m in the process of designing a music production course using a DAW that is entirely browser based and compatible on mobile devices.I’m excited to explore new ways to employ the use of mobile devices to enhance each student’s experience and education. Nice to E meet you all!

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4 responses to “Hello – Michael Meroniuk”

  1. philip pretty

    Hi Michael, good to see you again. I run a fine arts club at my school and we’re going to be doing the RPM challenge for February. The kids seemed pretty excited about it. Hope all is well, looking forward to learning with you this semester.


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  2. markmpepe

    Hi Michael! I think we may have a few friends in common. Looking forward to hearing about you’re doing.

    Talk soon!

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    1. markmpepe

      Michael, I forgot to mention earlier, I just picked up a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 bundle, with Logic Pro X, and started playing around with home recording. Lot’s of fun so far!

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  3. Wendy Mulligan

    Hi Michael! You have an interesting story! Sounds like you’ve had to make some big changes in the past year. I’m really interested in the course you’re developing – it sounds like just what secondary Music students need right now. I have been teaching elementary Music in Alberta for a number of years, but this year, due to the pandemic, my board stopped my Music program and I became a grade 4 teacher overnight. I’m hopeful for the future of Music programs everywhere that have been decimated during the pandemic, and hopeful that you’ll get to start touring again before long. Looking forward to working with you!

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