Brittany Hack – Adult ESL Instructor

Hi everyone. I’m Britt and I’m glad to be part of this discussion. This is my last class in Ed Tech so my goal is to make this my grand course. I have found working in groups both for assignments and simply for discussion is the best way to get the most from your courses. If you are new to the program please let me share some of my online group tactics with you so they can be pushed forward to the next generation of Ed Tech professionals. As the title states, I am an ESL instructor for LINC programming. This means I help permanent residents integrate into the Canadian economy and society to become successful in their use of English. My previous projects have been to create materials for real world situations for people who are learning English. Most have been for the CLB 1 to 5 levels and grades 8 to 12, but I am open to materials for professional development (CLB 8 to 12). I have not had a chance to look at the projects for this course, but if group work is included and you are looking for project ideas concerning non- native English speakers, please let me know.

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3 responses to “Brittany Hack – Adult ESL Instructor”

  1. Wendy Mulligan

    Hi Britt! It’s great that you are so eager to share your expertise with us ETEC newbies, to help us get the most out of this program. Looking forward to learning from/with you!

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  2. lyndsay barrett

    Hi Britt. It’s great to meet you! New to the program, I’d love to hear your online group tactics. Additionally, I work with young children and wonder how much early language learning does or doesn’t overlap with adult language learning. Looking forward to following your work!

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  3. Seo-Whi Kwon

    Hi Brittany,
    I’m Seo-Whi and this is only my second course and I look forward to hearing your “tips” on how to be successful in the MET program.
    I’ve volunteered in a community college that offers LINC programs and now as an educator, I am passionate about learning ways to support ELLs in a classroom using technology. I am looking forward to learning from and with you in the course!

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